Hi guys
Just letting you know that I am going to be unavailable for the next week.
In my absence, you may refer to Chadjaja as "your highness" or "our wonderful and talented leader". He will be the main man, with Dr.Curlytek and Matt26 (aka Nash13, Lee42, Matthew69 or whatever other variation he decides to call himself in the next week) will continue to assist him as mods.
Please don't PM me hoping for a response because you won't get one.
Have fun, and hope this place is still here when I get back.
EDIT : hmmmm this post is my 4,666th post here. Hope it's not a sign ....
Just letting you know that I am going to be unavailable for the next week.
In my absence, you may refer to Chadjaja as "your highness" or "our wonderful and talented leader". He will be the main man, with Dr.Curlytek and Matt26 (aka Nash13, Lee42, Matthew69 or whatever other variation he decides to call himself in the next week) will continue to assist him as mods.
Please don't PM me hoping for a response because you won't get one.
Have fun, and hope this place is still here when I get back.
EDIT : hmmmm this post is my 4,666th post here. Hope it's not a sign ....