Why Group Breaks are a Scammer's Paradise...IMPORTANT


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You should check out this public announcement youtube video by Chris from Infinity Cards. Youtube is home to a lot of group breaks and some of these breaks are done by the dogdiest people ever known to man. Just see for yourself...

You don't need a PhD to realise that there are numerous ways that you can be burnt in a group break. Even case shares are open to problems, pretty much any activity can have a scam applied to it. Basically, build trust with whomever you hand your hard earned cash over to...or face the possibility of losing out.
AHHH, how do i get my video to work.... been trying to install plug ins but its not working still ???? sounds really interesting too
Speaking of which, myself and a couple of stand out lads from Nigeria are planning a case break. Anyone who wants to be involved can you please deposit money into my account and Ill organise things from there. CHeers,
Speaking of which, myself and a couple of stand out lads from Nigeria are planning a case break. Anyone who wants to be involved can you please deposit money into my account and Ill organise things from there. CHeers,

Sounds good, can i just send you a money order :lol:
Wish i could watch the vid.... i always imagined that some of the dodgy ones buy multiple cases and bust them all as if they are the case share and then post up the worst ones :) keeping the MOJO case for themselves and adding minimal risk to themselves at the expense of other honest collectors ....
Yeh I know, first time I watched one I thought to myself, "if he pulls a good card, he could just stop filming and go again on another box??" Plus WHERES THE FUN OF OPENING IT YOURSELF!!!!
Yeh I know, first time I watched one I thought to myself, "if he pulls a good card, he could just stop filming and go again on another box??" Plus WHERES THE FUN OF OPENING IT YOURSELF!!!!

That's why I'd rather bust boxes myself! Love the anticipation before a pack is busted! :thumbsup:
the scarey thing with this one was the guy has over 600 subs and was very well known and trusted.. sad day really. While i am happy i wasnt burnt, alot of my youtube pals were
Case shares should be only done by guys at a meet up and as a group for eg.. if guys in Melbourne want to share a case meet somewhere and bust it might be fun as a group no shifty's there none of this on camera crap to much $$$$ involved.
Thank you for this info.

Despite us (admin and mods) know that the majority of members here are great and wouldn't do this, the chances that someone one day will do it, gave us enough concern to stop the group breaks "just in case" to protect all of our members.

If you needed any more proof of the potential for problems, here it is. Look forward to linking back here into the future when anyone asks "why?" :)
can someone explain to me how these group breaks work? does the guy bust the box for his mates or something. i don't understand how he rips people off, what actually is the process of a proper group break?

obviously not the same as a case break like we have on here where the boxes are distributed..?
G, I may have been under a rock, but have you stopped group breaks? If so, what about ones where it's a complete case, and everyone busts their own boxes?
Yeah, group case shares are fine, where everyone gets their own boxes. But the ones where someone busts all the packs and sends out the "hits" were poo-pooed a while back for this very reason.
Yeah, group case shares are fine, where everyone gets their own boxes. But the ones where someone busts all the packs and sends out the "hits" were poo-pooed a while back for this very reason.

Oh right! That's what they are. That's ridiculous in the first place you'd have to be an idiot to agree to those. It's not that you can't trust people, but temptation is too great to rip people off when you've got it there in front of you.

If anyone had any brains at all and they wanted to do a group break they'd have everyone over to their house and split it together.
Also just found this scam he apparently is runing as well -
upperdeckboxbreaker said:
he send some bogus mail with dc# to my city (not my house) and leaves paypal thinking that the mail was "delivered" with the dc#. Confusing but i hope some of u know what i mean. hes a scam.
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