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So this thread went around for a couple of years


where we invited members to post their pics for our general heckling. As most of the pics from that original thread have since disappeared, I have started this thread for new (and old) members to post their pics up.

So, to start you off - here I am (back right) with my wife Morgan on the infamous Hamilton Island Admin Convention of 2008.

Front row is Kristin (tightywhiteys) and Chad (chadjaja) :wave::wave:

It's QLD mate ! Chad told me he had a tan - I said "that's not a tan!"

Amazing what a week lazing by the pool will do! (apart from skin cancers etc)
Posted these previously, but hey here I am again :) Sure the pics a few years old now, but I haven't changed...


And me with Cindy (my partner of over 2 years :)):
Here is me in London and Germany:D

Playing Football in the snow:)

This sick snowball I made:D

Me on Christmas Day holding two boxes containing mojo:D and wearing my Qantas "sleeping suit" LOL as they called it.:lol:

And last but certainly not least me at Buckingham palace:v:
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