MJ "Big Men On Court", Scoring Kings, Metal,etc. TRADE

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hi gus, thanks for all the coota messages in my welcome page, awesome. now instead of bulin my collection from scratch, i have gone ahead and just slapped $2K into another blokes hand for his entire Jordan collection. man some AWESOME cards i tell ya. anyway, theres bout 50 doubles in there too, so ive taken pics of the better jordan inserts which im willin ta sell/mainly trade. im after the MJ big men on court insert especially! Im also chasing: molten metal, champ. galaxy, thrill seekers, playmakers, gravity denied, etc. Ive got bout 1,000 cards outta this deal, & I know I got me moneys worth cos checking da beckett value exceeded 10G's. Anyway, below are the better doubles inserts that i got, so anyone got any nice MJ inserts (HIGH VALUE of atleast $40US) please let me know. im chasing mainly the high end MJ inserts so any help would be great. message or email me at stabilo2die4@live.com.au if you have any pics of the cards you got, and also tell me which cards you wish to trade for. im very easy goin so i hope to hear from any1 interested. cheers blokes


->1998/99 UD Black Diamond "Dominance" #D30 #ed/1,000 - BV$50US ($80AUS)

->1995/96 SkyBox "Meltdown" #M1 - BV$50US ($80AUS)

->1993/94 Ultra "Scoring Kings" #5 of 10 - BV$40US ($60AUS)

->1997/98 Ultra "All-Star Ultrabilities" #1 of 20AS - BV$50US ($80AUS)

->1997/98 SkyBox Premium "Competitive Advantage" #3 of 15CA - BV$40US ($60AUS)

->1996/97 Metal "Steel Slammin" #6 of 10 - BV$60US ($100AUS)

->1998/99 Metal Universe "Planet Metal" #1 of 15PM - BV$30US ($45AUS)

->1995/96 Metal "Maximum Metal" #4 of 10 - BV$40US ($60AUS)

->1995/96 Metal "Scoring Magnet" #4 of 8 - BV$60US ($100AUS)

->1995/96 StadiumClub "Beam Team" #B14 - BV$40US ($60AUS)

->1996/97 Hoops "Superfeats" #1 of 10 - BV$40US ($60AUS)

->1996/97 StadiumClub "Top Crop" #TC9 - BV$25US ($40AUS)

->1988/89 Fleer "Base Card" #17 - BV$37.50US ($55AUS)

->1995/96 Stadium Club "Nemeses" #N10 - BV$25US ($40AUS)

->1995/96 Finest "Mystery" #M1 - BV$30US ($50AUS)

->1993/94 Fleer "All-Star Weekend" #5 of 24 - BV$30US ($45AUS)

->1996 Upperdeck USA "Desire" #M3 - BeckettValue: $20US ($30AUS)

->2003/04 Sweet Shot "MJ Sweetness" #133 #ed/799 - BV$25 ($40AUS)

->2003/04 Sweet Shot "MJ Sweetness" #134 #ed/799 - BV$25US ($40AUS)

->1993/94 Ultra "Famous Nicknames - AIR" #7 of 15 - BV$25US ($40AUS)

->1993/94 SkyBox "The Center Stage" #CS1 - BV$25US ($40AUS)

->1996/97 Ultra "Board Game" #7 of 20 - BV$20US ($30AUS)

->1997/98 UD Collectors Choice "Star Attractions" #SA1 - BV$15US ($25AUS)

->1995/96 SP "1996 All-Star" #AS2 - BV$15US ($25AUS)

->1998/99 SP Authentic "First Class" #FC1 - BV$10US - ($15AUS)

->1997/98 Ultra "Star Power" #1 of 20SP - BV$8US ($15AUS)

->1993/94 Hoops "Face2face" #FTF10 - BV$12US - ($20AUS)

->1992/93 Hoops "Supreme Court" #SC1 - BV$20US ($30AUS)

->1992/93 Fleer "All-Star Weekend" #6 of 24 - BV$40US ($60AUS)

->1996/97 Upperdeck "Predictor - Scoring 1" Cell Redemption #P3 - BV$25US ($40AUS)

->1993/94 Fleer "Living Legends" #4 of 6 - BV$20US ($30AUS)

->1998/99 SPx "Star Power" #100 #ed/5,400 - BV$30US ($45AUS)

->1993/94 Upperdeck "Triple Double" #TD2 - BV$15US ($20AUS)

NOTE that the prices showing for each card is NOT the price I am asking for. This is ONLY the Beckett VALUE so you get an idea on how much their worth
I had to edit and re-adjust the cards and the name of the cards cos some people were mixing up cards with others, so i hope this new way ive layed em out has helped. cheers and thans for all the interst. cool :) :) :)
howdy guys, thanks for all the interst in the PM's. I'm still hoping somebody has a "BIG MAN ON COURT" who I'm willing to let choose whatever and however many cards as wanted for a trade. be considerate a bit too. i'll be replying to all the pms soon too. cheers
howdy guys, thanks for all the interst in the PM's. I'm still hoping somebody has a "BIG MAN ON COURT" who I'm willing to let choose whatever and however many cards as wanted for a trade. be considerate a bit too. i'll be replying to all the pms soon too. cheers

What year of Big men on court a you after?
Howdy, the Michael Jordan "BIG MEN ON COURT" I am after is the die-cut version from the 1996-97 Z-Force set. If anybody has one, I'll let him pick out any cards he/she wants from what I have listed, whatever it'll takes to get this card.
if I can't seem to find some1 to trade with for the BIG MEN card, then I will consider 100% just selling the cards. also that i got some cards above which i have two of (X2), so if that helps any1. if i can't get the BIG MEN ON COURT card, then i'd also be willing to sell aswell as trade if anybody has any of these instead, and i've gone through some of the PMs i've got and some of the cards listed below which i want are with some of the people that sent me PMs that were interested, and i'll write the name to see if that person wishes to swap any of these card for any of mine. the cards i'll also be chasing are:

jordan_rules :)
-UpperDeck GameFloor (#/50)

collector_GALLORE :)
-Hoops Airlines FREQUENT FLYER "upgrade"

lea888_mj :)
-1992/93 Fleer TOTAL D

AND SOME OTHER MJ INSERTS which i havent seen in other peoples buckets I'LL BE AFTER R:
-2001/02 Fleer MATERIALISTIC
-Fleer 1992/93 TEAM LEADER
-SP Champ. Playoff Heroes DIE-CUT version
-1997/98 Ultra COURT MASTERS
-1995-96 Flair HOT NUMBERS
-SP 1996 NBA All-Star GOLD version
-1997/8 SPX Hardcourt HOLOVIEW (die-cut & regular version)
-1995-96 Flair NEW HEIGHTS
-1998/99 Fleer ELECTRIFYING
-1995-96 Hoops SKYVIEW
-1996/97 Skybox TRIPLE THREATS

If anybody has any of the above cards of jordan plz let me know & i will let you choose which cards you want to trade for & we can do a deal for sure. and i will take it as best in first dressed with the cards too. BUT PRIMARILY I WANT THE BIG MEN ON COURT JORDAN CARD :) :) :) :) ,and if any1 has any of the above cards but doesnt wanna trade me, then let me know how much in money your after. thanks guys
I have a Team Leader 92/93 avail and the Hoops Airlines FREQUENT FLYER "upgrade

I am interested in the following from above :)

93/94 ultra scoring king
4th pic, all star ultra
5th pic, star power
6th pic, between the pillar card
SP auth, SP first class x2
Stadium club, top crop
Steel slammin
Planet metal
UD predictor
living legend 93/94 fleer

A few of these cards i am not sure of year and make etc can you please PM me some details
i need your planet metal, meltdown and your mj sweetness if part of these numbers

2003-04 Sweet Shot #133 Michael Jordan
2003-04 Sweet Shot #134 Michael Jordan
2003-04 Sweet Shot #135 Michael Jordan
2003-04 Sweet Shot #138 Michael Jordan
2003-04 Sweet Shot #140 Michael Jordan
2003-04 Sweet Shot #141 Michael Jordan
2003-04 Sweet Shot #143 Michael Jordan
I have a Team Leader 92/93 avail and the Hoops Airlines FREQUENT FLYER "upgrade

I am interested in the following from above :)

93/94 ultra scoring king
4th pic, all star ultra
5th pic, star power
6th pic, between the pillar card
SP auth, SP first class x2
Stadium club, top crop
Steel slammin
Planet metal
UD predictor
living legend 93/94 fleer

A few of these cards i am not sure of year and make etc can you please PM me some details

hi bud. for now, I'll trade you for the 92/93 Team Leader and the Frequent Flyer UPGRADE cards. Which cards of mine would ya like to trade me for? tell me and i'll send them off to ya for the two mjs i said up top. cheers mate :) :) :)
Damm man...... those are some sweet ass scans.... what scanner are you using? Never seen scans so colorful & alive!!

howdy. thanks for the complanment on da pics. that goes thanks ta my good old photography skills!:) yeah the pics arent computer scanned, I WISH I HAD A SCANNER so I can upload me jordan up to me photobucket! but anyway, yeah i just take them using my digital camera then i transfer them to
my computer. thanks
i need your planet metal, meltdown and your mj sweetness if part of these numbers

2003-04 Sweet Shot #133 Michael Jordan
2003-04 Sweet Shot #134 Michael Jordan
2003-04 Sweet Shot #135 Michael Jordan
2003-04 Sweet Shot #138 Michael Jordan
2003-04 Sweet Shot #140 Michael Jordan
2003-04 Sweet Shot #141 Michael Jordan
2003-04 Sweet Shot #143 Michael Jordan

hi mate. yeah the 2 MJ SWEETNESS cards are card numbers #133 and #134. I might also e able to hook you up with a few more from the numbers you stated. i'll get back to ya on that one though. cheers ;) :) :) :)
howdy. thanks for the complanment on da pics. that goes thanks ta my good old photography skills!:) yeah the pics arent computer scanned, I WISH I HAD A SCANNER so I can upload me jordan up to me photobucket! but anyway, yeah i just take them using my digital camera then i transfer them to
my computer. thanks

Haha I was afraid you might say something like that..... didn't think a scanner could make them look that good on the spot!

Sweet inserts too btw..... :thumbsup:

Howdy partners. thanks again for all da interst guys, bloody awesome! Now I am still chasing the Michael Jordan "BIG MAN ON COURT" insert which i'm hoping to trade for. if ANYBODY has one, plz plz plz let me trade you. I will let the owner of the Big Man On Court Jordan card to pick out any card that cha like from what ive got uploaded here in this thread. howz that sound now??!? too good to be true i say(dont get any bad ideas now guys, i'll be sending my cards 1st to the other party and then when they get em then they can send me the Big man on court Jordan INsert card.
AND IN THE MEANTIME..........................................
if I cannot get a suyccesful trade happenin for a mj big man insert card, then I will FIRST trade with some of the members ive alredy spoken to, and then after all the trades are then I will sell the rest. i'll keep ya posted anyhowz with each day that goes. so i hope some1's out there who can help. i am also sending pm replies to all da pms i got yesty now. thanks guys. have a great weekend dudes!!:):):):):):):):):):):):):);)

Hi ya fellas. just letting all peeps know that i am nearly finalised trading for me Jordan Inserts. I STILL AM DESPERATELY CHASING THE Big Man On Court Insert aswell as the MJ Molten Metal. but anyways there are bout 6 or 7 cards which may be going to be traded with and the rest im gonna be selling off. i will remove the cards that get traded in due time when it officially happens, im just waiting on some replies by a couple a guys now.

So I hope to get rid a these MJ inserts in some trades primarily. but after all trades are done i'll be selling them here on ozcards.
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