Group Case Share - 2005-06 Spx (Running until it fills!!)

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Hey guys.... I'm running a case share (where everyone gets a box to bust for themselves) & the winner from the poll I ran was 2005-06 Spx!! A great rookie crop from this year so hopefully somebody can pull some nice mojo!! :thumbsup:

Here is some info on this product:

Spots/boxes: 14
Details: 18 packs per box, 4 cards per pack
More info: 2005/06 Upper Deck SPx Basketball Hobby 14-Box Case | Dave and Adam's Card World

Cost per box: $76 USD Dlvd (Paypal Only)

Note: Payment isn't due by any specific time, keeping this open until it is filled & only then will payment be due!


1. A_Iverson_I [PAID] Break Here
2. aussiemjfreak [PAID] Break Here
3. smc2910 [PAID] Break Here
4. smc2910 [PAID] Break Here
5. immune3 [PAID] Break Here
6. sublime [PAID] Break Here
7. immune3 [PAID] Break Here
8. bruntyblue [PAID] Break Here
9. sublime [PAID] Break Here
10. WeAreLeeds2 [PAID] Break Here
11. gtfour [PAID] Break Here
12. A_Iverson_I [PAID] Break Here
13. WeAreLeeds2 [PAID] Break Here
14. A_Iverson_I [PAID] Break Here

Case will be ordered as soon as all payments have been received!

Thanks guys & hopefully we get some major mojo out of this!! :thumbsup:
Re: Group Case Share - 2005-06 Spx

A_Iverson_I told me that i can be a part of this group break, so t can:

Oryginall message:

"Hey mate...... sure you can; I checked the postage rates & it should be about another $8.75 USD for you or another $12.25 USD for registered post (I would prefer to post registered when posting internationally).

If it's any more or less when I post it I will let you know.

Let me know if you still want the box.


So please, don't suggest me what is cheaper ;-)

I want be on 7th place in the list, and buy it :-)


By the way, DACARDWORLD shipping for 1 box to POLAND is 24$!! and 70+24= 94!!
Here with You it will be 76$+ shipping 9-12.5$ = 85-88.5$ :-) CHEAPER :-)

Re: Group Case Share - 2005-06 Spx

Where are all the people that voted for this case? Are we gonna fill the spots guys? ... or is everyone broke after joining the 08-09 Spx break? :(
Re: Group Case Share - 2005-06 Spx

LOLOL could have done....... though I wish someone would tell me if I'm wasting my time trying to run this break!? :confused:
Re: Group Case Share - 2005-06 Spx

LOLOL could have done....... though I wish someone would tell me if I'm wasting my time trying to run this break!? :confused:

Probably just a bit of overload at the moment.
Hot Prospects just finished
Treasury still going
Ultra still going
09 SPX just started
Re: Group Case Share - 2005-06 Spx

Perhaps do a case that is from this year eg.Chronology or Ultimate. Spx is abit old.

Frankly I don't know why newer is better? Newer stuff is always more expensive in general than older stuff (rather than from crazy years like 03-04) & I thought I would provide a bit more variety as Ryhs was already running a few newer release breaks. :)

Probably just a bit of overload at the moment.
Hot Prospects just finished
Treasury still going
Ultra still going
09 SPX just started

Yeah...... good point.... guess I was just eager to get my first group case break going, especially considering I put off buying my own boxes this week cause I was planning on getting a couple through this. :p

Guess I'll let it run for a couple more days & if I don't get any more interest I'll pull it for the time being.
Re: Group Case Share - 2005-06 Spx

Frankly I don't know why newer is better? Newer stuff is always more expensive in general than older stuff (rather than from crazy years like 03-04) & I thought I would provide a bit more variety as Ryhs was already running a few newer release breaks. :)

Collectors tend to like newer stuff than one's that probably have all the major cards pulled.

I'm happy to take a spot if there is interest in one of those brand's listed aboce.
Re: Group Case Share - 2005-06 Spx

Collectors tend to like newer stuff than one's that probably have all the major cards pulled.

I'm happy to take a spot if there is interest in one of those brand's listed aboce.

Abd your an expert? A poll was taken and the product with the highest votes got selected. Thats why there was a poll and thats why the product was selected.

Why join group shars if your not gonna pay for it?
Re: Group Case Share - 2005-06 Spx

Ok guys..... gonna leave this open until it is filled, so if you can't make payment until the end of next week or something that is fine..... just put your name down if you're interested & we will get this thing filled ASAP. :)

smc2910 is down for 2 boxes so we have 9 spots left :)
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