Suggestions for a card shop in Sydney

Most important factor for a customer of a card store in Sydney?

  • Location, being situated within the Sydney CBD?

    Votes: 6 8.3%
  • Prices and variety?

    Votes: 52 72.2%
  • Close to public transport facilities?

    Votes: 4 5.6%
  • Availability of nearby parking?

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • Expertise and quality of service?

    Votes: 9 12.5%

  • Total voters

Feedback - 100%
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Hi all, thanks for reading.
Just trying to see what are the most important factors are for potential customers of a dedicated card shop in Sydney. Is it the location of the store, the price of its products, the service and expertise, the proximity to public transport, availability of nearby parking facilities, etc etc.
Does it have to be located in the Sydney CBD? Let me know your thoughts, even if you don't live near or around Sydney.
Actually i forgot to mention about trading hours as well, long trading hours from 9am-7pm?
I'd say it's a combination of all those Gary but no.1# with a bullet is always going to be reasonable prices, you don't have to MATCH eBay as people would rather get the boxes in hand an whenever they like them, but just being competitive unlike alot of the old card stores still around that want like 500 for a box of fleer ultra :)
yeh you can't be charging those sorts of prices unless you want your experiment to end with a whimper :)
I'd say it's a combination of all those Gary but no.1# with a bullet is always going to be reasonable prices, you don't have to MATCH eBay as people would rather get the boxes in hand an whenever they like them, but just being competitive unlike alot of the old card stores still around that want like 500 for a box of fleer ultra :)
Product is also very important. Stock the right items (inc. mags) and you'll have the right customers coming in...
i tend to agree, prices and range are very important. Although location does play a role, i don't think it HAS to be in the CBD. I think card collectors are always willing to take that little bit more time out. For example how many people are chomping at the bit for the card show and travel over an hour away just to get to it?

As Cal said, they all play a factor, but usually aslong as the people are good and the prices are fair, you should get nice trade. :v:
maybe i should have taken the prices bit out of the poll and equation as that is a given. what about trading hours, any suggestions on those?
I think it is a great idea.

I would suggest NOT having a store in the CBD. The rent is cheaper out of the CBD (leading to cheaper prices).
i tend to agree, prices and range are very important. Although location does play a role, i don't think it HAS to be in the CBD. I think card collectors are always willing to take that little bit more time out. For example how many people are chomping at the bit for the card show and travel over an hour away just to get to it?

As Cal said, they all play a factor, but usually aslong as the people are good and the prices are fair, you should get nice trade. :v:

exactly, people don't mind traveling to pick up cards it's better than waiting 2 weeks for something to arrive off eBay.
Noone is keen on early morning box busting obviously? lol
Also, would you rather have the shop close to the station/bus interchanges or close to parking facilities?
I reckon the cost of rent would be a huge factor in not having it in the CBD.

I was speaking to a cafe operator near work (North Ryde) and his rent is now 1/4 of what it was in the city for the same sized space.

If you are paying high rent, you will generally need to charge more for your items.

Maybe somewhere like Parramatta would be the go? Somewhere central for all collectors.

Maybe you should do a poll of Sydney based members to see where they are located!

I reckon the cost of rent would be a huge factor in not having it in the CBD.

I was speaking to a cafe operator near work (North Ryde) and his rent is now 1/4 of what it was in the city for the same sized space.

If you are paying high rent, you will generally need to charge more for your items.

Maybe somewhere like Parramatta would be the go? Somewhere central for all collectors.

Maybe you should do a poll of Sydney based members to see where they are located!


perfect mate... right near the station. Thats where i would want it :thumbsup:
You're a destination specialty store so people will travel to your store no matter where it is. (As highlighted by one of our WA members who drove a 500km round trip just to go to his local card shop!!)

Also opening times should be at least 10 or 11am
I agree with all the suggestions mate, also dig up the thread when the dreamcards boys were asking the same sort of questions there were some great ideas in there!

Be great to see a (well priced) card shop in Sydney if you can make it viable, I'd drive up to come visit! ;)

PS make it an area that's easy to drive to for out of towners, the distance is less of an issue for them than it is being able to follow a main road easily etc.
As it would be a very niche business I tend to agree people would be more than willing to travel a reasonable distance, public transport in my mind wouldn't be as important as parking.

I think a late start like 10.00am would be no problem with a later finish to catch the after work traffic. I would also suggest the most important trading days are the weekend, this could be offset by closing Mondays / Tuesdays.

Perhaps have cards as the focus but suppliment the venture with a secondary cash a cafe or ????

Good luck

to be honest an early morning start would probably not be viable, as the amount of walk through customers would be minimal, and the majority of work at that time would be online ordering/fax orders etc. which would not require you to be in store as they can be done at home.

1030 or 11 would be reasonable, you could have a few lunchtime customers then schoolkids, then after work warriors to fill out the work for the day. 6pm or 7 if ur keen would be a reasonable closing time.

price to me is not so much of a factor, i would in fact pay more if i knew the location/owner was reasonable and friendly, plus it would be a central location for us card nuts to hang out at and meet other enthusiasts. i would definately be a regular customer as a dedicated card shop in sydney would be excellent.

just my 2c :thumbsup:
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