Group CASE break part 2

Which would you prefer?

  • 05/06 Trilogy CASE - 60 hits

    Votes: 6 17.1%
  • 07/08 Chronology CASE - 32 hits

    Votes: 6 17.1%
  • 07/08 Topps Trademark Moves CASE - 96 hits

    Votes: 11 31.4%
  • 07/08 UD Sweet Shot CASE - 80 hits

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 07/08 SPX CASE - 100 hits

    Votes: 12 34.3%

  • Total voters
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Feedback - 100%
258   0   0
And the winner is....

07/08 SPX

So lets get this thing started! WOO-HOO

here's the thread for the group break..

Hey guys! :wave:

I've done alot of researching and homework and wanna run another case break!!!

I've gotten the okay from the Mods, so everything is sweet!

I've got 5 different ones we could do and have got all the info of hits and what not for each one!!! (but can also do different ones also)(just let me know ur suggestions!)

Have done prices in USD as the aussie dollar is all over the place at the moment and the USD is a firm amount! So will accept payment by USD into my paypal once all is worked out! (but will accept bank deposits also, but will have to figure out currency conversion at that time!!!) but anyway....

Here's the 5 I had in mind.....

option 1

05/06 Trilogy 10 box CASE

10 boxes a case
9 packs a box
5 cards a pack
6 hits per box

60 hits a case guaranteed

1 spot = 2 hits and 1 team @ $55usd each

option 2

07/08 Chronology 8 box CASE

8 boxes a case
1 pack a box
7 cards a pack
4 hits per box

32 hits a case guaranteed

1 spot = 1 hit and 1 team @ $60usd each

+ 2 extra hits to be randomized at end

option 3

07/08 Topps Trademark Moves CASE

8 boxes a case
12 packs a box
5 cards a pack
12 hits per box

96 hits a case guaranteed

1 spot = 3 hits and 1 team @ $42usd each

+6 extra hits to be randomized at end

option 4

07/08 UD Sweet Shot 20 Tin CASE

20 tins per case
1 packs per box
5 cards per pack
4 hits per tin

80 hits per case guaranteed

1 spot = 2 hits and 1 team @ $50usd each

+20 extra hits to be randomized at end

option 5

07/08 SPX 10 box CASE

10 boxes per case
10 packs per box
3 cards per pack
10 hits per box

100 hits per case guaranteed

1 spot = 3 hits and 1 team @ $45usd each

+10 extra hits to be randomized at end

If there's other ones you want to do, please let me know!!!!

more info

Each hit will randomly be picked using

So theres 30 spots available, so each person will get the number of hits associated with whichever break will be done!

I will also use to give each of the 30 spots a specific team, so that whichever cards are left over that aren't classed as "hits" (ie base and inserts, rookies etc.) will be sent to the member assigned to that team!

thanx very much and lets see which one we all prefer the most!!!

I'll make a poll and the winning poll will be the one we'll do!!! I'll give it a couple days to see how we go!

Whichever option is leading by 10pm Friday the 22nd August, 2008 will be what we do!!! Or first option to make it to 10!!!


Rhys :v:
I voted the Chronology mate, but I will support you whichever way you go as you helped me out with mine! So count me in!! :thumbsup:
Ummm.... isnt the spx break 3 hits and 1 team with 10 extras???
U know... 100 divided by 30 teams im guessin???
LOL :v:
I voted for the 05/06 Trilogy only in hope that I might hit the Jordan or LeBron SOS and get that one step closer to finishing the set.:rolleyes:
ith the chronology... yes more expensive and less hits but its a better product and the hits are usually bigger plus i really liked last years release... :thumbsup:
Yeah count me in on whatever you do

I went trademarks, best value for money.

If sweet shot is chosen then the hits should be 1 auto and 1 mem. Theres 40 of each, i'd hate to pay $50 and not get an auto.

SPx has the odd mojo but mostly the product has a lot of jsy crappola
I decided to vote for Trademark Moves.

I've wanted to be a part of a case break, but with my current money situation, the cheapest option is the best for me :razz:
Sweet! Thanx for the input fellas!!!

Only 1 more vote needed for Trademark Moves and then thats what will be done!!!

Keep the votes rolling in and hopefully tonight we have a winner already and I can get this mofo cracking!!!

God bless
Well its getting close now!!!

Only a few more votes needed for a couple of them!!!

Thanx for everyone's input!!!

We'll be getting underway very soon!!!!

Keep the votes coming in!

God bless
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