Group Break #3 - Heaps of hits!

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Oh! The redemption is SICK! Conrats on who got that! =D>

Don't wanna spoil it! ;)

[EDIT] I sort of did, now that I think about it :p
i get the knicks as a team and a knicks player as a hit.

im haunted by that team.

thanks for throwing box 8 up.

Ah that sucks man! You got any other hits coming up?

There was a Balkman collector on here the other day, might be able to move it. :thumbsup:
whoo hoo, hit the Foye Auto, whats the chances of that!! Wait a minute while I go do a little dance...make a little noise..... :woot::D:thumbsup:=D>:woot::D:thumbsup:=D>
Well done mate, it was a nice clean auto aswell, none of it covered up.

Cheers mate. Couldn't believe my luck. I have the Brewer, Richards, McCants and Smith in that auto, the only one I was still chasing was Foye and by some luck and some great busting of boxes by infesticide I have stumbled onto the last one I wanted!! Whats the chances of that happening in a GB with random hits?

Made my weekend :D:D
ok im awake! Glad to see some of you are happy with what you have so far... i know not everyone gets mojo in gb's, but i hope you are still enjoying it.

Darth: Congrats on your hit mate, i was pretty happy for ya as you can tell on the video

Sheedy: That has to be the best Foye auto i have seen.

Box #9 is uploading now!
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