Rare Rare KG jersey #'d card - can u say WARPTEK!!!!!


Go Celtics!!
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This awesome KG card came in on Friday - I got a great deal for it and haven't stopped looking at it since, even while I was finishing my steak last night.

Presenting #94.......from 99-00 Skybox apex......


I was tempted to start a totally new thread for the front of the card but my wife wants to use the PC.........

So I'll go with the dot dot dot treatment....


Hope u enjoyed that puppy - KG looks like he could do with the odd decent feed of.............:woot:

I'm exhausted with all this thread starting, actually feeling my age, fingers, arthritis all that.

I'm off to hunt down KG's 03-04 mvp photos.......:lol:
Respect!!! That numbered collection is sick mate, to say the least :)

Congrats and all the best for 100 :thumbsup:
Nice card mate congratulations on that one and a =D> to the mods for those aother ones in that other thread you got sent. Is it alright to congratulate you on two threads here or should I start a new thread?:lol:
Nice card mate congratulations on that one and a =D> to the mods for those aother ones in that other thread you got sent. Is it alright to congratulate you on two threads here or should I start a new thread?:lol:

U mean an ljandkg congratulations thread? - now there's an idea

Oz - cheers mate - will keep u posted - I have 2 in the mail - looking for something big to come up hopefully for number 100 - nothing yet....

A_Iverson_I - if I did I wouldn't start a thread about it:lol::lol:
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