07-08 Sp game used case break tonite

wow that's awesome, i'm keen for my pc players, and if you get the quad jersey with aldridge in it, PPPPLEASE sell it to me ;) last one for the set!!

Good luck!!
Freaking awesome! :D Hope you pull some crazy stuff. Looks like I'll have a good read when I get home from BBall :)

Hit me up on Korver, Herbert Hill and Jason Smith (particularly the former 2 ;))
Wow good luck mate. Major MOJO to ya. Hopefully u can get yourself some MJ or Bron love. If u pull any Kobe or Javaris Crittenton stuff mate keep me in mind :v:
will scan after every 2-3 boxes., there are 120 hits so ill probably scan the better cards, if i dont scan something and you would like to see a scan let me know.
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