my ride along with the police dept. great stories


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pardon my language but im just so excited I cant hide it

holy ****in ****, I did a ride along with Longview Police tonight. First we get a 13 year old shoplifter, then a car crash, then an idiot old lady who called about an email scam, then a driver without a licsense (who got taken to jail and I wrote the ticket for him) and then the best for ****in last

a drunk guy chasing his girlfriend, then ramming her car and ran from us, THE HIGH SPEED CHASE WAS ON he of course crashed like an idiot and then got tackled!!!!!!!!!!!!! holy ****ing **** it was rad I want to do another ride along.
no camera crews, worse call was a lady calling the police to "confirm her email was a scam" it said she won the 2010 fifa cup lottery
it was for real, it is required for my local academy im going too (its not the real academy it's like a pre academy to see if you really want to become a police officer because they have about a 6-1 ratio for keeping officers)
Is this for real or is this bloke smoking CRACK.

Ride-alongs are a common occurance in the US...type "Police Ride-alongs" into Google and check out what comes up!! (See link below)

Not sure what the rules/law is here in Australia...but I imagine that it would be a legal and insurance nightmare that wouldn't be worth the risk.

City of Mountain View - Ride-alongs
When I was working in radio here in Gippsland, I went with the police to interview people we'd pulled over to give them $50 and congratulate them for driving well. I only spoke to them after the police gave the all clear to approach because some of the people were pretty irate initially!!!!:mad:

I had on tape one guy going off his nut swearing and carrying-on, complaining about being deliberately targetted...cops couldn't get a word should have seen his reaction when he finally calmed down and began to listen!!:blink:
I had on tape one guy going off his nut swearing and carrying-on, complaining about being deliberately targetted...cops couldn't get a word should have seen his reaction when he finally calmed down and began to listen!!

well tell us, but yes if you can do a ride along any of you I suggest to do it, not just cause I like it but to see all the different things that happen in your neck of the woods and how things can change in an instance, we were getting fuel and 3 minutes later in the chase so things change that quick ;)
Yeah sounds like it would of been a good experince mate. I dont think it would be even close to ride in a cop car here all they do is care about speeding and people with no helmets cause there lazy fat ass peices of good for nothing crap. (traffic cops) Street cops are cool and got to respect them though although there sought of never around when you need them.
longview is pretty bad its a small town about 10 miles north of were I live, last year 85 % of police calls were meth related, it's refered to as "the meth capital of the world" so it's exciting down here
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