Morrow Super Collector
So KG buggered off to Boston.... doesn't stop me collecting him hee hee but alas he's the old ex-twolf now....
as is wally he shares this card with...
I figure the turkey must be an all star top to be red? Also numbered to 99
and since kG is the old news I figure in with the new timberpup mr RF4 otherwise known as Randy foye....
thanks to nenjabin for the topps foye card it was an extra with some of those KG gu.
The auto speaks for its bloody self! Believe it or not my first dual wolves auto!
as is wally he shares this card with...
I figure the turkey must be an all star top to be red? Also numbered to 99
and since kG is the old news I figure in with the new timberpup mr RF4 otherwise known as Randy foye....
thanks to nenjabin for the topps foye card it was an extra with some of those KG gu.
The auto speaks for its bloody self! Believe it or not my first dual wolves auto!