I did the Iggy...

Dr. Curlytek

PhD in "Things and Stuff"
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OK, one Simpsons quote is enough for any one thread title, so lets get on with this Exquisite mailday:

First up, a first....a triple Exquisite patch card with Rod Carney, Bobby Jones and the main man, Andre I! Numbered #1 of 10!!!


And just in today, a really nice one (or two), it is a dual patch of Iggy, jersey numbered 9 of 10!

A couple of cards does not maketh a collection. I only have a couple of other Iggys, a SPx rookie auto jersey the only one of true note. If I update the sig I'd have to put in Exquisite as a collection....but I REALLY don't want to do that!
nice cards u got there stacey... iggy not a bad player to start collecting, should be a pretty handy player!
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