Funny how you didn't jump on here and boast about how right you were until I had heard it on the didn't even have the balls to back yourself in until it came up on the news so please don't spruke on about INDIRECT association with's laughable
Well firstly i said i heard about this (Cousins being present at sometime) before the news was on in Perth if you check the time i posted it, you will be aware of that.
In addition i never said i heard this from anyone associated with the club, i said and have previously said i had an indirect association through other people with the club, and that somethings i have said or heard had substance, i made no referance to Cousins being there having come from that.
I said i had heard of Cousins being in his company, i never said where i had heard it, as i had not seen it confirmed officially on any reputable news source (ie Channel 7 or the like).
So if you want to get into a shit slinging match that is fine with me.....if i hear something that has some basis i will continue to post it accordingly, that doesnt ensure it is fact or 100% correct, merely what as i stated in my original post, i had heard.
I merely stated the fact that what i heard was correct, once it was confirmed on the news, which is generally what one does, when some validation is brought to an opinion.
But as i said you seemed to state categorically in another thread that Judd demanded to be played whilst injured....were did you get your information?
On what basis did you make that statement....
Dont call me for posting what i heard...when you made it clear you had information on the personal opinion and position of both the WCE footbal club and Chris Judd....