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#1 J.R. Smith Collector
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Hey guys, you might've noticed that I'd gone missing again for the last couple of weeks.... Well to cut a long story short, I fell sick again and this time they cut off all privilidges.

On the bright side, because of the rest, I am allowed to go home today!!!!! :thumbsup: FINALLY!!!!!

I cant wait to see some daylight and get some fresh air! Can't wait for my foxtel too! :razz:

I have to packages to go out to 2 members here (you know who you are) and I apologise for the delays. They will be going out in the next 24hrs.

At the same time I was forced to sell my house whilst all this was happening to cover the medical cost of my treatment. So on top of all this I will be moving houses this w/e, back to mum and dads.

Thanks for the understanding guys!
Some people will do anything to get out of moving furniture LOL

OK bad joke aside I hope you start to prop up real soon and it continues on for a LONG length of time. Its a shame about selling up but sometimes you do what you have to do and head down ass up is the best way to deal with things as you have in your own stride.

All the best and hope you are around more often from now on mate. Put a bell in your room to drive your mum nuts! LOL
Great to see you coming home! I really hope that everything is on the improve for you and you can get back to watching Foxtel and posting all the nice JR maildays here on Ozcards!

Take it easy and good to see you back!

Thanks guys, hopefully with some $$$ left over (won't be much) I'll be able to buy some nice cards :razz: Guess you gotta try and put a positive spin on things!
We did notice the house gets sold before the cards, at least your priorities are right lol! Get better. You'll be better off back home with the parents for now anyway I reckon.
We did notice the house gets sold before the cards, at least your priorities are right lol! Get better. You'll be better off back home with the parents for now anyway I reckon.

Actually the cards are probs worth more than the house :razz: but i couldnt do it! :D
Sorry to hear you had a re-lapse, but great to here you're being released! On the bright side, surely mum and/or dad will do all the cooking ;) Good to see you'll be back :)

Hey Norm hope all get's better soon mate and we can catch up at a card show sometime. If you need anything please don't hesitate to PM me. :thumbsup:
Norm, so sorry to hear about your condition worsening, and having to sell the house, major bummer.

But, if you're getting a laugh out of selling the house instead of the cards, that's the best.

Good news you're returning home, nothing worse than being in a hospital bed for days and days.

Hope everything goes well for you mate, good to hear from you.
Thanks heaps guys! I think spending sometime on ebay will help cure a few blues! Got the divorce starting soon too so all this will be fun! :razz:

Cards is the only thing keeping me sane atm! (pretty sad eh?) But once you hit rock mottom, there is only one way to go! :D
Norm you're star!

I like Chad's bell idea - or some kinda shock collar!!!


Mum's already giving me the "cotton wool" treatment, and I know I will go crazy! But at least I am outta this place as of 3pm!!!! woo hoo!

Shock collar not a big fan of... :razz: Maybe a miss alba as my personal nurse would be nice! I'll never get outta bed then! ;)

Mum's already giving me the "cotton wool" treatment, and I know I will go crazy! But at least I am outta this place as of 3pm!!!! woo hoo!

Shock collar not a big fan of... :razz: Maybe a miss alba as my personal nurse would be nice! I'll never get outta bed then! ;)

Only to bend her over it!

Welcome back mate!
Damn that is a lot of bad luck, on the bright side you should see some good luck soon (we all hope :thumbsup:). Keep your head up and ride through it.
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