So there's these two dogs at the vets.
A poodle and a great dane.
The poodle looks a bit down in the mouth, and the dane says " what's the trouble?"
The poodle tells him that his owner has had
enough of all the scratched furniture, and scratched cars, and scratched doors, no hope for him at all, so he's getting snipped.
"geez, that's no good" replies the dane.
" yeah, I'm done with" says the poodle, "so what's your complaint?"
" Well it's like this", answers the dane," I
went into my masters bedchamber, and there was my mistress leaning over the bed, not a thread of clothes on, fair dinkum she's a good sort".
" So what happened" chimes in the poodle.
" Well I couldn't help meself" said the dane
..."I lost control"!
" So i suppose you're getting the snip too" says the
" Naaah, just here to get me nails clipped"

A poodle and a great dane.
The poodle looks a bit down in the mouth, and the dane says " what's the trouble?"
The poodle tells him that his owner has had
enough of all the scratched furniture, and scratched cars, and scratched doors, no hope for him at all, so he's getting snipped.
"geez, that's no good" replies the dane.
" yeah, I'm done with" says the poodle, "so what's your complaint?"
" Well it's like this", answers the dane," I
went into my masters bedchamber, and there was my mistress leaning over the bed, not a thread of clothes on, fair dinkum she's a good sort".
" So what happened" chimes in the poodle.
" Well I couldn't help meself" said the dane
..."I lost control"!
" So i suppose you're getting the snip too" says the
" Naaah, just here to get me nails clipped"