05-06 Exquisite Box

Well a bit of bad luck there Ruckers; glad to see you had fun, but getting a Marty Alphabet Auto Patch RC isn't good at all.

Oh well, keep your chin up
sorry mate that was a brutal box u deserved better than those crap. my 04-05 exquisite break was a little better but not much.
Thats fkn bullshit on UDs behalf how dare they put a price on a product like that and give you that toilet paper.... Ruckers....!
agreed that box was................

Well Ruckers at least you received the box in the first place, and will probably get the most hits on a live box break =D>

the rest well just as shoes pic says :cry:
ouch, sorry about the dud box andrew. i guess with the good luck youve had with boxes in the past you cant really complain too much! :D better luck next break.
Bad luck on that one, Ruckers - I know how much you put into getting the box and the lengths you went to secure the money (non-sexual, of course).
Lol, and the fact that 06-07 Exquisite isn't selling but i don't think its that bad of a product. Prove me wrong Upper Deck gods!!
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