Showpiece Cabinet!!

Once you go black you never go back....

that's what she said last night ;) haha

Ha ha, I was gonna say GOT WOOD...

Nah what I mean, it looks great, better than a painted one. The stained wood. Blackwood Pine?

yeah..i knew what ya meant Scotty....just having a go at ya??

Couldn't tell ya exactly what type of wood/pine it is as it was just some leftover stuff that Bevan (the guy that made it for me) had lying around his shed. And the Stain was ?? Satin as opposed to the ?? Gloss. (can't remember exactly what is was called i said earlier...i didn't realise there were that many to choose from) So it isn't the shiny glossy type, as i thought that might take some empahsis off the cards themselves!!
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