Yep, my mistake was gettin huffy in a thread without awaiting a reply, my fault entirely.
Where are all the lynch-mobbers now that the issue has been sorted out?
Seriously, this BS thing goes on way too much. Sure, I like to see the positive in everyone (and occasionally I will get burned), but why should common sense, decency & a common courtesy be thrown out the window?
Even with eBay sales that I'm not happy with the seller, I still give them the opportunity to offer to do the right thing, ad then if an agreement can't be worked out, then I proceed pursue the negative course of action.
The beauty of this board is that unlike eBay/Paypal, we have sensible Admins who are realistic & do their job, and should the second point of reference if tere's a problem (the 1st & most important is communication with te other party).
Wouldn't we want our fellow member's treating us with respect?
1 week ban only (different thread)Out of curiosity ... did fastbaja get banned relating to this thread or something else?? Temporary ban or permanent?
i just joined this forum about 2 weeks ago and have made a truck load of trades already... i was initially sending everything in white envelopes and some of u may still receive those as they went out a few days ago. However, i was nicely told about the protocol via PM by a member who i sent the cards to... very informative, helpful and constructive... i should have read the thread re packing cards for trade, but this person was kind enough to let me know nicely... thats what this forum should be all about . lets not bicker and argue until we know the facts... now who's got some more gordons for me?????
I have to agree with "ACE E". Some of you appear to be vultures, just waiting for someone to pounce on. I think giving anyone a second chance is a "human" thing to do. We all make mistakes, and we all need a little forgiveness sometimes. When I first registered on this site, I had discovered a member who stiffed me for $129US and took himself off Ebay. We've talked since, with a promise of payment. He also knows that if he doesn't pay, I will identify him, as many members here have asked me to do.