G.I.L.B.E.R.T is here!!!!!!!


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Well, after waiting a whopping 4 months for a auto'd Arenas jersey and shoe package to arrive, and no replies whatsoever from Gil-zero.com, a priority package finally came on Friday(All the way from the US of course).

Ain't bad for something i paid $25us. Arenas actually took time signing these and the auto looks much better than the one's on his card.....Plus it's for a great cause so i can't complain.


Shoe and jersey



So there it is. Let me know your thoughts guys. Thanks!
They look awesome Jay, I remember reading about them in his blog. The shoes don't look all that bad..

Yep, i'm loving it mate.

That's how i found out initially,through his personal blog on nba.com.Hope gilbert does another signing again,these shoe's rock!!!!
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