Friday - Redemptions, freebies, shinies, blacks, you name it!!!! Sorry Tony.....


Exq Auto Patches rule!
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Firstly, a big up thanks goes out to adhunt99 . He Pm'ed me a few days ago, and we got chatting, and he told me he had a spare and would send it my way.
Sure enough, here it is for the Sene PC :D

SP Sigs RC Auto Sene

Looks great :D


Also got some me in some redemption mail.....

Good ol UD didn't even ask me what I wanted for a replacement (thanks for that) anyway, i'm used to their poor communication, but was happy to get these as replacements.

No stickers here boys :D


Now, for some normal mail.

Got me in a cool Finest Black Refractor RC of Sene

Still can't work out why these scan better than the normal refractor autos?


SP Sig Graphiti RC Auto Gold Parallel!!! :D


Ultimate Collection RC Auto Patch Parrallel :woot:


And man oh man,

SPA Sign of The Times RC Auto


Jersey Numbered!!! :woot:


And where would a post be without some blacks??? :thumbsup:


UD Black RC Auto Flag - Aldridge :woot:


But that's not it

Just 1 more

I am nuts

UD Black RC Auto Flag - Gay - 1 of 25 Baby!!!! :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot:


CAN'T FLY - Thanks bud :D
Yeah, Sene cards are looking cool indeed and yes, UD Black flag cards are where it's at :D

Hoffa - Thanks for the nice comments, glad I could share :D

Pierce34 - :D Yeah, I now know why these things where so hot in the market.
nice pickups, like the boshy auto's and the gay flag (not that theres anything wrong with that) lol
adhunt99 - Cheers again bud, much appreciated :D

scottsophie - Thanks bud, it was so hard finding one of these.
Can't believe I picked up just about everything else in Ultimate, but not these.

bas - :lol: Yeah, loved that show.
I don't make it back on time to see Home and Away :razz:
HBM - Thanks :D
Yeah, UD sent me 2 Bosh Auto's.
Mind you, I had 2 redemptions that they replaced one me.

tony - :lol: Sorry bud :lol:

Shoes - Sorry bud, PC.
But good news is, there is one on e-bay now for ya :D
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