06 07 Tyrus thomas only
Here's the information for your item, kool_son!
Dear kool_son,
Thank you for your purchase. The total for your item below is US $111.00.
Click Pay Now to confirm postage, get total price, and arrange payment through: PayPal; money order.
Item # Item Title Qty. Price
160143324504 05/06 TRACY MCGRADY EXQUISITE 3 COLOR AUTO BGS 9/10 1 US $76.00
Subtotal: US $76.00
Postage and handling via Standard Int'l Flat Rate Postage:
US $35.00
Total: US $111.00
Please email me at if you have any questions.
If you want to mail your payment, please send it and include a copy of this email to:
jonathan moseley
1134 pinhurst dr
atlanta, ga 30339
United States
Thank you again for your purchase.
What do you guys think of that postage payment requiremnt do you think this is fair?

Dear kool_son,
Thank you for your purchase. The total for your item below is US $111.00.
Click Pay Now to confirm postage, get total price, and arrange payment through: PayPal; money order.
Item # Item Title Qty. Price
160143324504 05/06 TRACY MCGRADY EXQUISITE 3 COLOR AUTO BGS 9/10 1 US $76.00
Subtotal: US $76.00
Postage and handling via Standard Int'l Flat Rate Postage:
US $35.00
Total: US $111.00
Please email me at if you have any questions.
If you want to mail your payment, please send it and include a copy of this email to:
jonathan moseley
1134 pinhurst dr
atlanta, ga 30339
United States
Thank you again for your purchase.

What do you guys think of that postage payment requiremnt do you think this is fair?