

On Again, Off Again..
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Whatever happened to Evan - 'nvd001' ? I was thinking the other day how we haven't seen any Carmelo maildays from him in a long while and I figured I must have missed reading what he's up to now. Ev, where art thou?
yeah, where the hell is he? Ev has one of the best player collections on here, he seemed to disappear about the same time benny (dvs) took a break.
hey Trav and Jez!! Nice to know people are sorta missing me ;) and cheers Jez on the complement about the collection :thumbsup: haha

how coincedental is that?? i just glanced and saw 'Ev??' as a thread title and thought i'd check it out. :blink:

Ozcards is my homepage, so the members list will pretty much show me as being active like every day.

I am still kicking about. Not posting a great deal, but do try to read as much as i can about what is still happening out there. haven't bought a melo card in what feels like about 7-8 months. i dunno why?? like as you would mostly all know i mainly chased higher end Exquisite and Ultimate stuff and got to a stage where i had most of the 'relatively' affordable ones and have sorta stopped??

but yeah....i am still alive, so you can all slept tight tonight ;)
Yeah, I too was wondering where my fellow dude is at! :wave:

Good to see you're still around man. Have you got MSN? PM me so I can add you. We'll keep in touch through there .. :razz:

Awesome card in your avatar Ev! You know we love them Exquisite Triple Patches! :thumbsup: Is that your second one ?! Or did you upgrade your Exquisite Patch (single), not your Triple? I think it's the latter ..

Yeah, I too was wondering where my fellow dude is at! :wave:

Good to see you're still around man. Have you got MSN? PM me so I can add you. We'll keep in touch through there .. :razz:

Awesome card in your avatar Ev! You know we love them Exquisite Triple Patches! :thumbsup: Is that your second one ?! Or did you upgrade your Exquisite Patch (single), not your Triple? I think it's the latter ..


PM sent mate :thumbsup:

and yeah...i did upgrade the 04'05 Base Patch #/10. i had the single colour...sold that one and bought a sweet 4 colour :D

Good to see you back Ev.....I miss seeing those Melo Maildays!


Good to be back Matty!! (scratching head, wondering if i ever left :blink: ) LOL
hello again boys...... just thought i would bump this thread and let you guys know to keep an eye out for a well overdue mailday coming soon.....

hopefully i wont disappoint ;)
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