Ud Replacement Mail Day--happy Ending!!


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I've redeem a 05-06 Exquisite Sarunas Jasikvicius Patch RC/#225 last August, Card was not made yet, so I send UD an email for replacement. It show up today, Boy I was HAPPY(After heard so many bad replacement story):thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Card 1)


Card 2)
WOW!!! That is an swesome replacement deal!!! Good job UD...although their replacement service seems to be as hit and miss as their boxes!
Nice one UD!!! Can't make TOO many customers happy tho, we'll all be asking for Replacements.

I like Sarunas, but the DRobs is a sweet replacement!
You serious! They told me I had no choice in the matter when they decided to screw me over. Nice work though! I finally found the new head of Customer support at Nevada, so I will hopefully hear from him tomorrow about my issue.
Thanks all for your Comment!!!
Well, Totally unexpected, I've seen few good replacement lately, so if you got any long waited Redemption card, I'd say now is the best chance to "upgrade" it. Hope UD can keep up the good work.
damn they are some great replacements. Kobe allstar jersey & D.Rob auto, cant ask for much more than that as far as replacement cards go.
the admiral rocks, i know which id choose between some euro trash D league-er and that beauty! :thumbsup:
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