06/07 Finest Group Buy Live Break at ~11-11:30 am

Dr. Curlytek

PhD in "Things and Stuff"
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Alright folks...I'm itching to break open this fine box of Finest that Col organised in super-quick time. Hoping for some mojo, the breaks so far all seem to have been pretty good....hoping my first LIVE break can keep the momentum up!
Pack 2:

Larry Bird...but has a blotch/red spot on the gray stripey border
T Mac
Starbury Ref
Mardy Collins RC
Mile Ilic RC
Pack 4:

Gerald Wallace
Raging Rajon Rondo RC Refractor
P.J. Tuckshop RC
Andrea Bargnani RC...it's cool when guys have a girls name ;)
I think that is supposed to be there as mine has it as well. It is possibly a light that was in the background of that photo.


Ah, that's alright then...it just looks like a mistake, but you are right, it is in the photo frame so is probably background. I would have Photoshopped it out if I was making the cards though...
Pack 6:

J O'Neal
Vinnie Carter
Rod Carney RC Red X-Fractor #ed 22/25!!!
Sergio Rodriguez RC
Chris Quinn RC

Nice end to box #1
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