Things that piss me off

It's ordinary alright. Worst thing is if you take laxatives and they don't seemed to have worked. You then take another lot only to go two minutes later. You then sit there with the knowledge that the 3 tablets you just took were totally unnecessary and that gut cramps and the purge is in the mail.
COMC grading. Had a card done on the 45 day grading and it completed exactly 45 days in.

Got another one I put in just after the one above on the same 45 day service. We are a few days from 3 months later and not done yet. It's gotta be at least 15 business days over.
I'm at the 49 day mark. Looks like I might be getting the 3 month treatment. Way to go COMC. Killing it.

I better get a least a PSA9 for this thing. I was surprised at the good condition when I transferred it from epack. The other raw ones of this they currently have on comc you wouldn't grade with a mate's money. PSA6's and 7's and 8's most of them. This looks pretty sharp and the reason I paid $22 USD to have a crack. If it comes back in 3 months as a PSA8 I'm going to be homicidal.
Is this strictly card related or just in general?

Card related - investor types who say they really want a card, negotiate a cheaper price than originally then sell the card on the same forum for 3 times what they paid for it - on the same forum they bought it!!!!

In general..... Cyclists who think because they're on two wheels all surfaces that aren't a road are exclusively theirs.
Coz thay scabies.. $900 dollar card beginning me to sell for $250.. so I said your lucky day thinking I'm doing a nice thing... God gee next week on his for $800.. sly fuckers some people so I fill ya bro
did post some photos of my old card collection here .some good people messaged warnings then the HEYENA,S sent dumb crap and tried there best {was easier to just pull back under the radar
65 days. I'm hoping for 90 days. That would be awesome. Only 3 weeks to go!

The alternative is that the card has gone awol ('misplaced') and I get $70 back which is the value I put on the card - not sure if I'd get the $22 grading fee back as well - instead of a card which if it gemmed would be worth $250.

I did vow never to grade with PSA again after my last order about 18 months ago so perhaps it's what I deserve. Devils.
Every man and his dog is looking for collections. Kabooms. Blank Slates. Antmans. Chefs. Sneaker spotlights. Paying 50% comps. Selling 120% comps.

Every man. Can't go anywhere now with everyone doing the same hustle
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