Coronavirus (COVID-19) info and stories

I went through about 10 packs of butter menthols my biggest issue was I felt like I had swallowed glass also try betadine throat gargle that helps to get over it faster
Yeah, but still positive with symptoms so I'll give it a day or two and venture out. What a waste of annual leave :(

But seriously good to spend leave playing with my cards
That's a bummer with annual leave. It wouldn't change your current circumstances but a good employer would let you take part of this period as sick leave( if you have any accrued) and reimburse your annual leave. I've heard of a few employers who allow this. Worth asking I reckon.

Anyway, I wish you a speedy recovery and enjoy the cards. It's their main function for the majortiy of us - enjoyment.
The point I'm making is that they ban Social Media from the West but we allow TikTok. We are dumb. Woke and dumb.We are more concerned about being misgendered than ensuring the safety and survival of our next generations. Again, it's enough to make one ill.

As for allowing foreign soldiers on our soil( that was a curveball, lol). The bill doesn't make it explicit but it refers to Americans and all I can say is that our survival depends solely on the US coming to our aide. If they are not able to( they may be preoccupied fighting on two fronts themselves) then it's good night nurse. We will fare worse under the CCP than Poland did under the Nazis. Anyone who denies this does not know their history imo and is ignorant of what the CCP is. They are every bit as evil as the Nazi Party.

If it were up to me we'd be a nuclear armed state and have missiles pointing directly North. We effectively have no defence against an invader. None. We'd capitulate in 48 hours. That is frightening in this current environment.

P.S. I came here today to post something in the soccer section. Talk about being distracted, haha
Agree CCP is evil but every western country is trying to emulate what they are doing to their own people. Most of our imports come from there, so they control us already. Back in the 70's we manufactured most of what we needed, we were largely a sovereign nation. That gave us security. Now we import just about everything. We only ever have fuel reserves of 1 month, thats it! you go to shops to get seafood & you're buying seafood from another country. We live on an island!
Our own government has taken that security away from us & placed it in the hands of a foreign power in CCP. They don't need to invade us to cripple us.
Just glanced at this thread, and wow - what a timeline.

Still don't think I've had the Rona. Either I haven't had it or symptoms have been so minor I didn't notice. On top of that, I've been working right next to 2 people in my office who tested positive the next day, and I was at a New Year's house party recently where about 25% of people there ended up with Rona within the next few days. Still nothing.

Haven't avoided crowds at all, and stopped getting the shots after my initial 2 AZ in October 2021. Avoided the MRNA options on purpose because from the get-go I was sus on the maniacal push for them. My partner got 2x Pfizer and at each dose saw somebody collapse in the 15-minute holding pen afterwards (at the Exhibition Centre in Melbourne - big numbers being dosed at once).

My brother ended up in hospital after Pfizer #1 with heart dramas, so any further Covid shots for me is a no-go, and MRNA anything is the same. The entire vaccination coercion, division, social damage and injury hiding is a stain on our society, and I hope we don't just memory hole it - along with all the other armchair authoritarianism cheerleading over the last few years.
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