Hi Tony do u still have any spare stickers need num 14 and 32 and would u post to nz? And how much pleasesend me a list of the numbers you need mate and I will have a look for you
Thanks Tony I appreciate that.I'll have a look for you.
Hi Matt, I need the following 15 Dandy stickers. Let me know if you have spares, or know of others who may have spares:Hi,
Just wondering whether anyone has Dandy 1992 stickers they would be looking to offload.
I currently need numbers: 15, 24, 43
I'll have a look for you.
Hi Tony, I need the following 15 Dandy stickers. Let me know if you have spares, or know of others who may have spares:Matt
Hi Eugene, I need the following 15 Dandy stickers. Let me know if you have spares, or know of others who may have spares:Thanks Tony I appreciate that.
Cheers Eugene
Hi Mate,Hi Tony do u still have any spare stickers need num 14 and 32 and would u post to nz? And how much please
Cheers Eugene
Hi, I have #15,24,43 if you are still looking for these stickers.Hi,
Just wondering whether anyone has Dandy 1992 stickers they would be looking to offload.
I currently need numbers: 15, 24, 43
Hey Tony, thanks for responding. I now only need 9 14 15 24 43 44. How can I buy 15 and 43 from you? Thanks. Peter (0422 721 504)Hi Peter,
Sorry Mate. I have been so busy. I have the following and still looking for the others that you may need.
I have 15,16,21,25,34,40,43,45