Need a price on a card?

Jack Martin high flyer?

Now black folklore cards of supremacy, many you can get for $70, now I understand there are other factors to take into account here but trying to double check it here when Goldy cards don't hold value like other teams and feel it should articulate the equivalent of a black folklore considering suns were excluded from such concept obviously?
I have 17 of then to date and unless under 10 I have not paid over 60 for any. I rate it a 50 to 55 card and won't go over 60 when I'm looking to buy. As you know I am always on lookout for one and can offer that 55 delivered if interested but all good if not and hope that helps. Other people may see it differently
I have 17 of then to date and unless under 10 I have not paid over 60 for any. I rate it a 50 to 55 card and won't go over 60 when I'm looking to buy. As you know I am always on lookout for one and can offer that 55 delivered if interested but all good if not and hope that helps. Other people may see it differently
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Josh Kennedy (WCE) Footy Finest from Certified 2016

Want to find the value so when I find one for sale I know I'm not getting ripped off.

Have not seen a single one for sale or sold since I started collecting.
Hehe well that's all I'd be prepared to pay if someone invited themselves to sell one to me but sorry I got a bit mixed up: that's the price I could arguably expect for a Cameron FF if I decided to let one out but perhaps $160 for Kennedy in second thoughts
Hehe well that's all I'd be prepared to pay if someone invited themselves to sell one to me but sorry I got a bit mixed up: that's the price I could arguably expect for a Cameron FF if I decided to let one out but perhaps $160 for Kennedy in second thoughts
yeh fair enough.. i'd say at least $160 would be much more reasonable..
I'm still looking for a Marc Murphy one, so if anyone has one.. please let me know!
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Depends what years footy finest your looking at as the first years are worth more due to the impact that the influential had on the footy finest in the second year.

Is Kennedy first or second wave of footy finest?
Stephen Coniglio magic wildcard startoon (2019 team coach box hit)

Thought this card would be no more than $25 but currently one on eBay is actioning off for over $50 already! Is someone hoarding this card as I'm it's only seldom for sale on eBay and are those cards less common than I think?

If a realistic price is out there then perhaps I'm buying one if possible?
Top one most recent. One underneath would be shill bid or something dodgy going on

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