Nor does everyone wanna listen to your point of view, people can decide if they want to see it or not ...and wether its funny or not...who made you the forum censor??? take some of your own advice mate!!!just because I have morals and my head isn't in the gutter every moment. Not everyone wants to watch and listen to your crap shoes
Oh man I missed it. PM it to me Shoes. Oh and Carlito sucks.
oooh knocking carlito thats it man im reporting you to an admin or I'll just slap you at the next show lol...sending now mate.
You should be slapped for liking Carlito, anyone who dumps Tori Wilson has something wrong with them.
Geez! That could be Carlito's new finishing move!
thats it? ... sorry bigsarg but that wasnt that bad
Im happy to put it back up its not bad at all...quite funny actually..