Is this list updated?Evening all, happy to purchase or trade.
1975 - 29,84
1976 - 17,34,50
1977 - 104,132
1978 - 13,18,81,153
1979 - 24,31,89
1980 - 46,98
1981 - 94,110x2,127,154
1982 - 7,91
1986 - 2,21,22,23,30,36,44,71,77,79,86,108,109,115,116,118,126,128
1987 - 4,11,38,43,46,52,56,60,64x2,71,79,82,84,86,88,92,94,95,98x2,100,103,104,105,106,107,108,111,115,121
1988 - 6,13,15,25x2,31,32,35,36,38,41,44,62,66,70,73,74,75,76,77,78,80,81,89,90,91,97,100,101,102,104,105,128,138
1990 - 111
1992 - 152
1993 - 48,58,59,83
Trade list - To be Updated...
Is this list updated?
Ok I have a look for you
So far I have 1 card from 1990.... 12 from 88... 20 from 87.... do you have any to trade??Is this list updated?
So far I have 1 card from 1990.... 12 from 88... 20 from 87.... do you have any to trade??
my list
Hi Ash just went through your list i have a heap to fill your gaps. could you check out my wanted scanlens list (post) and get back to me with what you have and we will go from there. Also just to make sure are we taliking about rugby league ? not or AFL ? cheers mate speak list
i thought so when you said 1971 , 1972 , 1973 ect ect they didnt make scanlens rugby league cards during all of the early 70s years. all good thanks for the reply.Sorry mate my mistake... my list is for AFL