Chris. do you go to the markets around adelaide, have a lot of cards you need.Updated
Should have heaps these.Hi,
I am after the following - mostly EELS (prefer to trade - trade list at bottom of page):
2019 Traders
Common/Base Cards: 9, 20, 24, 28, 33, 41, 44, 45, 55, 64, 74, 78, 82, 86, 87, 94, 109, 110, 112, 118, 129, 140, 149, 150, 158
Parallel Silver: PS091, PS092, PS093, PS094, PS095, PS098, PS099, PS100
Face of the Game: FG37, FG38, FG39, FG40
Startoons: ST11
Season to Remember: SR28, SR29, SR30
Club Heroes: CH19, CH20
Last Line of Defence: LD19, LD20
Authentic Signature: AS10, SE 10
Retirements: R9
Four and Two: FT5
Premiership Predictor: PP09
Album Card: ASR10, ASR18
2018 Traders
State of Origin Stars: SOO8
Retirements: 4, 5
Dynamic Duos: DD4
Premiership Predictor: 10
Signatures: RLA10, RLAS10
2017 Elite
Special Silver: SS092, SS093, SS094, SS097, SS099
Captains: C10
Mojo Ruby: 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90
Mojo Saphire: 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90
Mojo Emerald: 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90
2017 Traders
Pearl Special: PS92, PS100
Face of the Game: 22, 43, 45, 48
Club Heroes: 19, 20
SAS: 10
SASG: 10
SASB: 10
Retirements: 11
Premiership Predictor: 10
2016 Elite
Special Gold: SG109, SG110, SG111, SG112, SG113, SG116, SG118, SG119, SG120
MOJO Ruby: MR082, MR083, MR084, MR085, MR086, MR087, MR088, MR089, MR090
MOJO Saphire: MS082, MS083, MS084, MS085, MS086, MS087, MS088, MS089, MS090
Run and Gun: RG20
Run and Gun Parallel: RGP19, RGP20
Engine Room:ER37, ER38, ER40
Captains: C10
League Sensations Signature: LS10
2016 Traders
Parallel: P93, P9
Retirements: 9
SASS: 10
SASG: 10
SASB: 10
2015 Elite
Parallels: P82, P85, P87, P88, P90
Parallels Special: PS82, PS83, PS84, PS86, PS87, PS88, PS89, PS90
Parallel Limited Edition: PLE82, PLE S83, PLE84, PLE85, PLE86, PLE87, PLE88, PLE89, PLE90
Pennants: EP46, EP47, EP48, EP49, EP50
Club Champions: CC19, CC20
Young Guns: YG19, YG20
Young Gun Signature: YGS10
Elite Quads: EQ19, EQ20
2015 Traders
Parallels: P73, P80
Galactic Heroes: 10
Retirements: 14
Club Leaders: 9
Legend Signature: 6
Case Card: 6
2014 Elite
Special Parallel: SP74 (Mannah), SP75 (Hopoate), SP79 (Paulo)
Master and Apprentice: M17 (Moi Moi)
World Cup Heroes: WCH10 (Hayne)
World Cup Heroes Parallel: WCHP10 (Hayne)
Young Gun: YG9 (Kelepi Tanginoa)
League Sensation: LS9 (Mannah)
2014 Traders
Parallel Special: PS89, PS90, PS91, PS92, PS93, PS94, PS96, PS97, PS98, PS99
Album Galactic Star: AGS10 (Hayne)
Indigenous: IND8 (Kelly)
2013 Elite
Fast and Furious Gold: FFS-9 (Morgan / Moi Moi)
League Sensations: LS-9 (Hayne)
Future Stars: FS-9 (Pauli Pauli)
2013 Traders
Young Gun: YG9 Matt Ryan (EELS)
2010 Select Champions
Phenomenon: P6 (Hayne)
2005 Select Tradition
Club Hero: CH9 (Hindmarsh)
Tri Nations: TN12 (Hindmarsh)
EELS Parallels: 76, 77,
2003 Select XL
Tribute Card: TC2 (Ray Price)
2002 Select Challenge
Individual Signed Base Cards: 15 (Eels Logo - Brian Smith)
1989 Scanlens
Base Cards: 122, 154
* RED – Pending *
Thanks for looking.
Are you only looking to trade or are you looking to purchase also. WarrenBump
I have heaps, includind 2013 traders sig matt ryan.Hi,
I am after the following - mostly EELS (prefer to trade - trade list at bottom of page):
2022 Traders
Official Album (with or without base set)
Factory sealed box
2021 Traders
Official Album
2020 Traders
Common/Base Cards: 154
Parallel Silver: PS091, PS095, PS098, PS100
Startoons: STB11, STY11, STG11, STP11
Club Heroes: CH19, CH20
Magic Round: MR28, MR29, MR30
Magic Round Parallel: MRP10
Authentic Signature: AS10, ASB10
Retirements: R08
Premiership Predictor: PP10
League Leaders: LLG5, LLS5, LLB5, LLG7, LS7, LLB7
2019 Traders
Common/Base Cards: 20, 24, 33, 41, 44, 45, 74, 78, 149, 150
Parallel Silver: PS091
Face of the Game: FG37
Startoons: ST11
Season to Remember: SR30
Club Heroes: CH19, CH20
Last Line of Defence: LD19, LD20
Authentic Signature: AS10, ASE10, ASR10
Retirements: R9
Four and Two: FT5
Premiership Predictor: PP09
Album Card: ASR10, ASR18
2018 Traders
State of Origin Stars: SOO8
Retirements: 4, 5
Dynamic Duos: DD4
Premiership Predictor: 10
Signatures: ASS10, AS10
2017 Elite
Special Silver: SS092, SS093, SS094, SS097, SS099
Captains: C10
Mojo Ruby: 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90
Mojo Saphire: 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90
Mojo Emerald: 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90
2017 Traders
Pearl Special: PS92, PS100
Face of the Game: 43, 45, 48
Club Heroes: 19, 20
SAS: 10
SASG: 10
SASB: 10
Retirements: 11
Premiership Predictor: 10
2016 Elite
Special Gold: SG109, SG110, SG111, SG112, SG113, SG116, SG118, SG119, SG120
MOJO Ruby: MR082, MR083, MR084, MR085, MR086, MR087, MR088, MR089, MR090
MOJO Saphire: MS082, MS083, MS084, MS085, MS086, MS087, MS088, MS089, MS090
Run and Gun: RG20
Run and Gun Parallel: RGP19, RGP20
Engine Room:ER37, ER38, ER40
League Sensations Signature: LS10
2016 Traders
Parallel: P93, P9
Retirements: 9
SASS: 10
SASG: 10
SASB: 10
2015 Elite
Parallels: P82, P85, P87, P88, P90
Parallels Special: PS82, PS83, PS84, PS86, PS87, PS88, PS89, PS90
Parallel Limited Edition: PLE82, PLE S83, PLE84, PLE85, PLE86, PLE87, PLE88, PLE89, PLE90
Pennants: EP46, EP47, EP48, EP49, EP50
Club Champions: CC19, CC20
Young Guns: YG19, YG20
Young Gun Signature: YGS10
Elite Quads: EQ19, EQ20
2015 Traders
Parallels: P73, P80
Galactic Heroes: 10
Retirements: 14
Club Leaders: 9
Legend Signature: 6
Case Card: 6
2014 Elite
Special Parallel: SP74 (Mannah), SP75 (Hopoate), SP79 (Paulo)
Master and Apprentice: M17 (Moi Moi)
World Cup Heroes: WCH10 (Hayne)
World Cup Heroes Parallel: WCHP10 (Hayne)
Young Gun: YG9 (Kelepi Tanginoa)
League Sensation: LS9 (Mannah)
2014 Traders
Parallel Special: PS89, PS90, PS91, PS92, PS93, PS94, PS96, PS97, PS98, PS99
Album Galactic Star: AGS10 (Hayne)
Indigenous: IND8 (Kelly)
2013 Elite
Fast and Furious Gold: FFS-9 (Morgan / Moi Moi)
League Sensations: LS-9 (Hayne)
Future Stars: FS-9 (Pauli Pauli)
2013 Traders
Young Gun: YG9 Matt Ryan (EELS)
2010 Select Champions
Phenomenon: P6 (Hayne)
2005 Select Tradition
Club Hero: CH9 (Hindmarsh)
Tri Nations: TN12 (Hindmarsh)
EELS Parallels: 76, 77,
2003 Select XL
Tribute Card: TC2 (Ray Price)
2002 Select Challenge
Individual Signed Base Cards: 15 (Eels Logo - Brian Smith)
* RED – Pending *
Thanks for looking.
Hey mate. 2023 Traders I have the followingUpdated
Mate are you chasing Driving Force as I also have 2 WNRL players in Cherrington & Taufa If interested from Parra. $3 each.Updated