Official All-Time Basketball Draft Thread #2 - Complete!!!

3. Drafting Rules- To ensure the draft moves along, I will impose a strict twelve hour draft clock for every pick. If you fail to make your pick during the twelve hour window, your team will be skipped. If you are skipped, you may make your pick at any moment after your draft window is expired, however, you run the risk of the next team drafting a player that you wished to draft.
Pick 1:13 Milwaukee Bucks - David Robinson - C

Question... do I need to b specific with position???

For instance can I say F or G instead of PF/SF and PG/SG??

as long as they all end up fitting in this format I don't mind how people format their picks but also check out how we did it last time i.e. player must have spent a majority of their career in that position. Banking on people giving you shit if you try to squeeze Pippen into the PG position.

So I missed my pick...
Sorry lads

I think I can pick now? If so
1.16 Atlanta Hawks select
The Big Fundamental
Kevin Durant - SF

yep all good anyone who misses can just pick when they come online. yours will be pick 1.10 though still, i'll amend the draft spots and reignman is up next with pick 1.16 and 2.1
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