Bring on the carters

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Think I've contacted you about this before, not sure, but i have his fleer force 01-02 buy back jersey /7. The card is skybox embossed for authenticity. Pm me if interested.
Had a few new cards added to the trade site this week peoples..
Ready for some more trades if possible...:D
There is a nice Carter in the Jackpot Pool for the AFL tipping prize.....I am supprised you didn't join and have a go ?!?
There is a nice Carter in the Jackpot Pool for the AFL tipping prize.....I am supprised you didn't join and have a go ?!?

lolo....nothings changed here richo...i still have 0 knowledge about afl..
ILL wait and see who wins it and hit em up for a trade:D
Havnt been on much latly with family commitments and way to much work...but yep...still lookin for trades ladies and gents....
you have any interest in a carter auto? the back has a crease in it but you can not notice it from the front? the woman shipped it damaged when I got it on ebay a year or so ago
Got this 1 champ:
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