Trade list
2017 elite
Box cards 1,7
Parellels 24,31,41,42,50*2,65,69,72,89,90,93,107,118,123,126,133,135,147,151,153,155,157
Cystal collection 3,9,19,20*2,21,23,25,28,29
Parellel 148
Cystal collection 16
2017 traders
Predictor knights 128/217
Startoon album 14
Sas gold 10
Sas black 13
Club heroes 6,22,27,
Pieces of the puzzle 14,18,28,29,35,37,45,51,52
Season to remember 1,5,6,7,8
Faces of the game 1*3,4,7*4,8*4,9*2,10,11*2,13,15,19*2,20*2,22,23,24,25*2,26*5,27*6,29*4,,31,32,3336*2,37*3,38,39*3,41,42*4,43,45*2,46*2,47*2,48,
Milestone cards
Parellels heaps avalible let me know what numbers
Sas gold 4,9,14,15,16,17
Sas black 6,9,11,12,14,15,16
Case card cc1
2017 xtreme
Wild power 1,9,10,16
Superhero 4, 18*5,30
Flick 2,3*2,5,7*2,11,13,14
Parellels 1,4,8,9,10,14*3,16,17,18,24,27,28,30*3,33*2,36,39,40,43,45,46,47*2,48*2,51,52,54,56,57,59,60,61,62*4,65,66*2,69,72,74,75,76,77*2,80,81,82,83*2,84,86,89*2,90,91*3 92*2,94,96,97,99,100*2,102,103*2,106,108*3,109,110,112,116,120,121*2,123,124,125,126*2,127,131,133,135,137,138,139,140,141*2,142,144,145*2,149,150,151,152,153,154,155,157*2,160
Power cards multiple avalible
2016 elite
Golds 4,11,38,54,121,132,169,
Engine room 2,3,4*2,7,13,33,36*2,52,56,62,
Box cards thurston *7
Wanted eels gold parellels
Eels gower and degois engine room
2016 traders
Pieces of the puzzle 54,71,80,84
Blacks 44,45
Faces of the game 3,6,18,22,40,43,47
2016 xtreme
Superheros 1,7
2015 traders
der & lightning k galloway
Pieces of the puzzle 13,15,19
Faces of the game 1,2,7,10,12,13,17,21,25,26,32,47*2,
2015 elite
Young guns 5,17
Pennants 42,43,52
Club heroes 6,18*2,21*signed,30
Gold parellels 1,5,23,28,52,70,75,117,122
Silvers 9,10,11,14,18*2,20,21,2729,33,36,44,46,47,52,65,68,71,73,74,76*2,78,81,83,111,112,116,118*2,121,122,128,129,131,134*2,135,144*2,
wanted young guns 1,2,4,16,24,30
signed young guns 7,9,16
2014 elite
master and appentice 8,12
pride and passion 10
gold parellels 21,26,50,68,69,78,120,140
silvers heaps avalible let me know for numbers
2013 elite
fast n furious silver cowboys
aussie reps 4,9
triple threat 2,17,18,41,44*2,47
2012 dynasty
triple centurions lockyer,hindmarsh,gerard
team of the year matt scott*2
all stars 7,12*2,13,15,16,17,18
parellels heaps avalible let me know on numbers
triple centurions ..fittler,menzies
team of the year 2
all stars 21,23,25,26,27,28,30,32,33,34,35,36,37,40
parellels eels cards with upside down
For trade
2009 scanlens west tigers marshall and farah 319/400
2005 power team of year lockyer and price
Club player of year ryan and stevens
Dally m hunt and fitzgibbon
2007 invincible wesser player of the year
All star schifcofske
2009 classic club player of year monaghan
2011 strike hayne player of the year
2011 champions stanley rookie
2014 traders return to sender kahu
Pritchard milestone
2017 elite
Box cards 1,7
Parellels 24,31,41,42,50*2,65,69,72,89,90,93,107,118,123,126,133,135,147,151,153,155,157
Cystal collection 3,9,19,20*2,21,23,25,28,29
Parellel 148
Cystal collection 16
2017 traders
Predictor knights 128/217
Startoon album 14
Sas gold 10
Sas black 13
Club heroes 6,22,27,
Pieces of the puzzle 14,18,28,29,35,37,45,51,52
Season to remember 1,5,6,7,8
Faces of the game 1*3,4,7*4,8*4,9*2,10,11*2,13,15,19*2,20*2,22,23,24,25*2,26*5,27*6,29*4,,31,32,3336*2,37*3,38,39*3,41,42*4,43,45*2,46*2,47*2,48,
Milestone cards
Parellels heaps avalible let me know what numbers
Sas gold 4,9,14,15,16,17
Sas black 6,9,11,12,14,15,16
Case card cc1
2017 xtreme
Wild power 1,9,10,16
Superhero 4, 18*5,30
Flick 2,3*2,5,7*2,11,13,14
Parellels 1,4,8,9,10,14*3,16,17,18,24,27,28,30*3,33*2,36,39,40,43,45,46,47*2,48*2,51,52,54,56,57,59,60,61,62*4,65,66*2,69,72,74,75,76,77*2,80,81,82,83*2,84,86,89*2,90,91*3 92*2,94,96,97,99,100*2,102,103*2,106,108*3,109,110,112,116,120,121*2,123,124,125,126*2,127,131,133,135,137,138,139,140,141*2,142,144,145*2,149,150,151,152,153,154,155,157*2,160
Power cards multiple avalible
2016 elite
Golds 4,11,38,54,121,132,169,
Engine room 2,3,4*2,7,13,33,36*2,52,56,62,
Box cards thurston *7
Wanted eels gold parellels
Eels gower and degois engine room
2016 traders
Pieces of the puzzle 54,71,80,84
Blacks 44,45
Faces of the game 3,6,18,22,40,43,47
2016 xtreme
Superheros 1,7
2015 traders
der & lightning k galloway
Pieces of the puzzle 13,15,19
Faces of the game 1,2,7,10,12,13,17,21,25,26,32,47*2,
2015 elite
Young guns 5,17
Pennants 42,43,52
Club heroes 6,18*2,21*signed,30
Gold parellels 1,5,23,28,52,70,75,117,122
Silvers 9,10,11,14,18*2,20,21,2729,33,36,44,46,47,52,65,68,71,73,74,76*2,78,81,83,111,112,116,118*2,121,122,128,129,131,134*2,135,144*2,
wanted young guns 1,2,4,16,24,30
signed young guns 7,9,16
2014 elite
master and appentice 8,12
pride and passion 10
gold parellels 21,26,50,68,69,78,120,140
silvers heaps avalible let me know for numbers
2013 elite
fast n furious silver cowboys
aussie reps 4,9
triple threat 2,17,18,41,44*2,47
2012 dynasty
triple centurions lockyer,hindmarsh,gerard
team of the year matt scott*2
all stars 7,12*2,13,15,16,17,18
parellels heaps avalible let me know on numbers
triple centurions ..fittler,menzies
team of the year 2
all stars 21,23,25,26,27,28,30,32,33,34,35,36,37,40
parellels eels cards with upside down
For trade
2009 scanlens west tigers marshall and farah 319/400
2005 power team of year lockyer and price
Club player of year ryan and stevens
Dally m hunt and fitzgibbon
2007 invincible wesser player of the year
All star schifcofske
2009 classic club player of year monaghan
2011 strike hayne player of the year
2011 champions stanley rookie
2014 traders return to sender kahu
Pritchard milestone
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