The options for lower end insert sets that could be one per team are endless. To that end I think this is something that ESP/TLA need to focus on to bring a bit more value back to Elite boxes. I would love to see a bit of nostalgia make it's way back into the releases.
Here are a few I think could work;
Sharp Shooters - A themed set for the Goal kickers
Famous Nicknames
Then and Now - A dual card, one old player and one new. EG - WIKI / PAPA
16 Elite was a very good release but these high end releases are all about balance. I broke myself getting a Raiders Sapphire last year and would really love an Emerald this year but can I justify it?
I really hope for a couple of things to be fixed this year;
No stacked cases! If they want to sweeten the dealer cases more than the box card / case card that is fine but market the release as hobby and retail and have the retail a bit cheaper! I could be wrong but I don't think I heard of a Sapphire Mojo from a non-dealer box.
No dud boxes! I love busting boxes / packets more than anything but when you pump nearly $200 into a box for a captain card then it hurts!