Ling dont worry about anyone on ebay but yourself and what YOU want to pay for a card...if it doesn't suit members here who gives a rats ass really? It's your money and you can spend it on whatever u bloody well like.
Shoes - You are spot on !
Linn - If you leave then it is on your own accord ! All I was doing was venting a frustration ! Mattyj is right, I don't think you have done anything wrong, in fact you haven't done anything i haven't done before, I was simply venting my frustration. Just to make things clear - I have no problem with you, I have no problem with you & I bidding on the same card & last but not least eBay is a entirely different entity to this Trading Board so what happens there should have no impact on what happens here.......ONCE AGAIN I WAS JUST VENTING MY FRUSTRATION - NOT HAVING A GO AT YOU !!!
To the rest of you who have added their 5c worth along the way - I have no problem with Linn or being outbid, I have done it myself !!! I just found it frustrating that I have to enter into a bidding war with someone from here if I want the card - THAT's IT ! (Nothing more sinister).
Mattyj - I appreciate you trying to explain where I was at