Rigid team bags


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I recently received a card that was in a top loader placed inside a rather rigid re-sealable team bag. The team bag was much more rigid than the standard ultra pro ones and was a little bit narrower making the top loader fit more snuggly. Because of this the card presented much nicer compared to an ultra pro team bag. Does anybody know what this rigid team bag could be? I have sent an ebay question to the seller but doubt they would answer back as they live in hong kong.
I'm not sure about top loaders but I got these http://www.ebay.com/itm/272233008836?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT for my magnetic one touches and they present beautifully. I will post some photos below

Normal one touch in bag

Those bags look really awesome on the one touch. Really snug fit which i like a lot. I'll give them a try and if I like em i'll ditch the ultra pros.

Heard back from the seller I bought my card from. He gets his resealable team bags from a korean manufacturer and unfortunately they don't sell them.
Those bags look really awesome on the one touch. Really snug fit which i like a lot. I'll give them a try and if I like em i'll ditch the ultra pros.

Heard back from the seller I bought my card from. He gets his resealable team bags from a korean manufacturer and unfortunately they don't sell them.
Check out the other listings of the seller on the link I gave you, he may have some top loader sized bags
Warriors_man, a billion thank you's. These sleeves are the best I have ever seen. Absolutely perfect.

Now I just need a decent box to store all my one touch and top loaders into. Any recommendations?
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