Damian you make 100% sense and more!Corey, whilst your feedback is valued, dude, please turn spell check on or at least read back what you write before pressing "post reply"
In Corey's response above, he is responding as a reseller. What he writes is correct. Generally the value of the cards will be higher immediately after release and will feather down after a month or so. In this case, don't forget this is a release for the BBL series which is a December 20th start. This hopefully means that interest will spike again then and run through the end of January when the series concludes. Not all collectors hang out on OCT or online forums. I still trade with some of mine via good old snail mail!
There doesn't seem to be as much early interest this release so there may well be a reliance on the re-seller so if prices are going to be low, then this is great for the collector. I will buy as many as I can for $20 so resellers please contact me!!
Swapping/trading has always been a great way to build your collection but this year I think it will be a hard slog! Not as many case buyers pre release and not a lot of action on the forums. I hope it picks up and I hope that Tap n Play sells through as having an Australian cricket card release has bought me back to collecting as well as introduced many youngsters to collecting. The tap n play product (as well as cow corner) has introduced many to this forum as well.
Just a quick note on this (and I know I'm going way off-topic - apologies!).I hope to still be doing what I do when I'm older... I have no idea how I'll go balancing this and my last years of school, but I'll make it work!!
Wow! It's great to hear from someone that collecting and school can co-exist. I know that people like Walshy disappeared off the forums for a while due to high school. Hopefully I can balance the 2Just a quick note on this (and I know I'm going way off-topic - apologies!).
I found that card collecting actually helped me get through my last couple of years of high school. Being able to unwind by reading through the forum and organising trades (and busting packs and boxes of course) was fantastic for me mentally. Sure, study takes up more of your time and you can't afford to be checking the site every five minutes, but there's no reason that card collecting and high school can't co-exist![]()
Hi,If you want it for your private collection thats cool,If you are looking to sell it move it one now,this card is limited edition,its now signed its not a jersey patch card,I would like to think you will get good money for it low end of market $20,high end $50.
Good luck i hope you get heaps more for it.
Please let me know if you come across any gold jersey cards, I would be more than happy to give you $20-$50 for them!!!
Geez Al if this wasn't your thread I would post an open order for $51 a card!!! LolHi,
Please let me know if you come across any gold jersey cards, I would be more than happy to give you $20-$50 for them!!!
As soon as the Khawaja 1/1 is hit, there can be no more master sets, so the value on all of these will take a massive dive. I originally said just below $100, but thinking about it a bit more, I don't think that $50 is so stupid now. How many Steve Smith collectors are there, + 1 master set collector, and maybe a few set collectors whom are not concerned about an incomplete set. Just because you want it to be a $200 card to get value from your boxes/cases, doesn't mean it will.Yes I agree. If anyone is selling at this $20-$50 price I too would like to buy. I totally get that the release sells best on release then tapers off after a month or two. But here's my theory on these gold cards, there will be collectors chasing a master set of all cards, then there's people chasing a set of these golds. Once these people buy their cards it doesn't leave too many left that aren't locked up in collections as the numbers are so limited. Therefore when they do pop up for sale the seller can ask a little more due to the rarity on the market.
I'll take a Kane Richardson one for $50 if anyone's selling one!
The market hasn't spoken at all!!! Show some completed auctions and your statement will have credibility. Putting a rediculous price on something, isn't setting the market.There are a couple now listed on eBay for $199 or best offer & $499 or best offer.
Also a couple in @Diggaz TC store
The market has spoken. That should be enough detail for the person who has this card to make a call, and if he wants to sell it then set a price, maybe with a 'or best offer' tag, and be done with it.