Well, it's finally happened. I've actually managed to gather up some PC cards, scan them in and form it into a mailday!
It's been a while so some of you may have forgotten who I PC. I continue collecting Kidd, Stockton and Bird on my brother's behalf (although the Kidd PC is about to go). I've actually come to really appeciate Bird and Stockton as guys who rose to the pinnacle of their sport even though they really had no athletic or physical advantages, just a will to win and the odd dirty play.... ;-P Mashburn is my main guy from the 90s, the Big O is my favourite player of all time and Q-Pon keeps the hobby interesting for me, plus I really like the way he plays and the way he handles himself both on and off the court.
So anyway, here's some PC stuff. Starting off with the low end stuff and working my way up to the more deent offerings...
The humble commoners, inserts and parallels...
The Obligatory GU
Mashed fabric aka Mashburn GU - quite a nice looking design
The Kidd - nice and SP /25
I dont normally collect parallels or GU of Q-Pon but the lack of recent product meant I lashed out at this...
Bird & McHale GU - Frontcourt for the ages!
The Patchwork
Larry Jumbo patch - I know these are manaufactured, but it's still, er, very big and um, bigger is better, right?
Actually my second one of these, but arguably an upgrade over the former...judge for yoruself!
The Scribble
Already had at least one of these but had to save it from the ignomity of bargain bin status!
...and same for this Next Day auto, had plenty but couldn't pass up another big on card auto going cheap...
Kidd NT auto - real nice design and couldn't turn it down!
...and finally some more goodness for the long neglected Stockton PC!
Not just once......
.....but twice!!!!!!
Thanks for stopping by and having a gander. As always, likes and comments are most appreciated.
It's been a while so some of you may have forgotten who I PC. I continue collecting Kidd, Stockton and Bird on my brother's behalf (although the Kidd PC is about to go). I've actually come to really appeciate Bird and Stockton as guys who rose to the pinnacle of their sport even though they really had no athletic or physical advantages, just a will to win and the odd dirty play.... ;-P Mashburn is my main guy from the 90s, the Big O is my favourite player of all time and Q-Pon keeps the hobby interesting for me, plus I really like the way he plays and the way he handles himself both on and off the court.
So anyway, here's some PC stuff. Starting off with the low end stuff and working my way up to the more deent offerings...
The humble commoners, inserts and parallels...
The Obligatory GU
Mashed fabric aka Mashburn GU - quite a nice looking design
The Kidd - nice and SP /25
I dont normally collect parallels or GU of Q-Pon but the lack of recent product meant I lashed out at this...
Bird & McHale GU - Frontcourt for the ages!
The Patchwork
Larry Jumbo patch - I know these are manaufactured, but it's still, er, very big and um, bigger is better, right?
Actually my second one of these, but arguably an upgrade over the former...judge for yoruself!
The Scribble
Already had at least one of these but had to save it from the ignomity of bargain bin status!
...and same for this Next Day auto, had plenty but couldn't pass up another big on card auto going cheap...
Kidd NT auto - real nice design and couldn't turn it down!
...and finally some more goodness for the long neglected Stockton PC!
Not just once......
.....but twice!!!!!!
Thanks for stopping by and having a gander. As always, likes and comments are most appreciated.