someones selling my card on ebay, and its not me???

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I would definately report it and email him and question why his is numbered the same. They may have changed the number on it
Mate i think your's is the fake!!!!

His signed name (Drexler) just doesn't look right, compare mine to your's and you'll see.:p

i reckon the guy whos selling it has the fake. he says in his description "card have fleer logo authenticity". like hes trying to make it authentic. what a scammer
I think the second 2 on the ebay one has been changed. On Glide22's card, the 022 is very exact on the height of teh writing and all the hand-numbered fleer cards have the same writing. The auctions numbering (022) seems different heights/

I could be wrong but just my opinion
Find another example of these cards - yours looks like its in different pen from the auto, the other in the same pen as the auto. Find another, compare the numbering and you will have a better indication.
Heres a TMAC -

EDIT - heres a Rasheed Wallace UNNUMBERED!!!!! -

Auction says

Fleer Platinum wasnt made in 00-01, only 01-02 according to the Beckett Annual, and no mention of Buy Backs. Maybe someone with some knowledge can shed some light on this. What it appears has happened has someone has got hold of one of these buy backs and numbered it. Which one is which ??


the freakish part is that the number '22' on both cards are not the same, as if they were written by different persons....

If you look carefully in the ebay auction the '2' number has a loop, while the other card does not have the number. But both cards and signatures on them look legit.

I've heard that some players gave cards away to their fans/friends/relatives, these cards came from SkyBox, but they do not have the embossed authenticity stamp, I would thought BGS wouldn't pass Glide22's card if it's not stamped. So if the card on ebay is not stamped, it could be these cards that were not meant to be distributed.

In any case, both cards look legit to me. But if I were you, I will definitely contact the seller - see what he has to say.
ive just sent an email to beckett with the same info as my first post. see what they have to say in the next few days. will keep you posted on that.

-my card has the circular skybox logo embossed (stamped) over drexlers left knee
-drexlers auto on my card is thin compared to numbering
-drexlers auto on my card is fairly similar compared to my other autos except for the last bit after the 'X', its too big a loop

-ebays second '2' looks like it was a '1'
-although, the auto and number are the same pen size
-whether his is embossed, ill find out.

you'd think after its been thru beckett grading they should pick these things up if it were a fake. or are they really that blind?

interesting stuff...
you'd think after its been thru beckett grading they should pick these things up if it were a fake. or are they really that blind?

It's amazing what they don't see if you slip some extra notes in the package ;)

Anything further on this ?
I still can't see the differences in the two "2s" on the ebay listing.

The 2s on your card don't match the "100".

Good luck, I'm interested in knowing any (if any) outcome....
Why has everyone missed this point.

PLAYERS DO NOT NUMBER THE CARDS, they only sign them and send them back to UD or Fleer. People at UD or Fleer then hand number the cards. I remember reading about it in Beckett one time and a thread being about hand numbering on the Beckett boards.
PLAYERS DO NOT NUMBER THE CARDS, they only sign them and send them back to UD or Fleer. People at UD or Fleer then hand number the cards.

Good point scott, thats probably why the numbering looks different and 2 can easily have been numbered the same.
At the same time, if a version of the card has been released with no numbering, then some one can easily number it themselves!
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