Whats some good TV shows to watch?

Anyone watching American Crime Story? It's by the creators of American Horror Story, which my GF and I love, and like AHS is an anthology. The first season is about 4 episodes deep and is about the OJ Simpson case/trial. I haven't started it yet, will be watching this weekend, but some what I can tell it looks very good.
4th season of Banshee starts 1st April.
If you haven't checked this show out before, now is the time to catch up.

So I have never heard of this show but definitely trust your judgment as we seem to agree on most shows, so I m gonna give it a watch!

Absolutely. Its a great show that for some reason most people don't know about it. Cant wait for Season 4 as Eliza Dushku is in it
Did somebody say Eliza Dushku I love her... definitely one of my faves!
so You guys did not disappoint with Banshee:thumbsup: Cant believe I had missed it for so long! Finished the three seasons love everything about this show=D>! I thought the Carrie vs Olek fight in season 1 was pretty impressive but Nola's death was outstanding although I was sad to see her go! And Chayton was such a badass his death was pretty epic aswell!

Thanks guys I owe you for this one!
so You guys did not disappoint with Banshee:thumbsup: Cant believe I had missed it for so long! Finished the three seasons love everything about this show=D>! I thought the Carrie vs Olek fight in season 1 was pretty impressive but Nola's death was outstanding although I was sad to see her go! And Chayton was such a badass his death was pretty epic aswell!

Thanks guys I owe you for this one!
Wow, 3 seasons already :woot:
I know I almost cried when Nola died :cry:
I guess I would have been the same if I had only just stumbled across it now. Stay tuned, Season 4 is not far away.
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