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Wow what a huge read... there was 2 hours spent on that!! I come from a very obese family and about 3 years ago I saw a sight I just wasn't happy with. Jumped on the scales and it was 99.8 and I #hit myself. Started me on a massive life change and one of the biggest things was I was a 2litre + coke drinker a day also. Always had an excuse as I was in excavation and the work was long and hard 60+ hours a week but I knew things had to change.
Basically all I changed in the first year was coke for water... I felt great and dropped 20kg's from that one little thing! Once I felt great from that I just progressed into more healthy food and activities and it is amazing how much your better you feel it is basically indescribable and now I am at the point that any binge on anything bad leaves me feeling ridiculously terrible!!
From what I read a lot of people had there eyes opened by this thread whether they changed or not is irrelevant as long term just knowing will more than likely change the path you are heading on, and completely felt the need to chuck in my little story.
down 20kg mate just from that change, brilliant! thanks for adding your story sounds like you made some great changes!
it's pretty great, once you cut out a lot of crap and start fine tuning what goes in your mouth you can be aware of certain things that cause irritation to your body and systems. i'm researching health and nutrition with a forward thinking to population health now, it's totally changed the career path I want to take.
all the best!