They are all dead theory?? I thought about it long time ago.. but geez..
Ben showed live footage of Juliet's sister feeling better and having a child..
I just thought this is just a cover up... about the oceanic flight...
Quote from lostpedia....
I agree, when I first heard about it, I though, that's just stupid, it can't be.
But with what happened last episode, it really makes me think it could be.
The Pilot chick said they were all dead???!!!
Now, we know Mr Echo was judged when he saw Yemi, and he refused to budge on saying sorry, and got smoked by the fluffy black cloud.
What's more freaky, is that when Desmond was in the church, the woman in his dream told him he wouldn't be be Penny, living happily ever after. And notice the photo on tha table???? It was her!!!!
And another thing came up on the lasy episode, the island does in fact heal people faster
Dang, she will be better in a day and a half.
Oooooohhh, and on that, that Patch dude isn't dead!!!!
My god, I thought he got smoked in that sonic fence!!!!
And Julliette, man I hate her!!! Not only ruining the Kate and Jake love thing
But knowing that Suns went back in to check on her, but pressing stop and faking the saying " I hate you Ben"
I can't wait for that fluffy cloud thing to judge her and eat her up