Official "Pay it forward" thread


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The longer I've been a member on this forum, the more I realize how great this community is.

Every week or so, we hear another story about a member being ever so generous, and I'm sure we all like doing the same for others.

@nichj99 being given a 1/1 Faried by @theflyinggerco springs to mind.

My own experience of late, might not have been as financially fruitful, but meant just as much. It was a couple of weeks ago, when I contacted @West Oz Cards cos I was told he pulled an Ingles noir /99 rc. I basically said 'name your price, and I'll take it', but instead he sent me the card for nothing.

ok. ok. Those people not tracking Ingles sales, might think "so what? a $2 Ingles...." WRONG! There are a whole bunch of sellers in the US exploiting Ingles' Aussie fame, and his Noir rc's were selling for $35US-$50US in the first week! Its settled down now of course, because there are only so many Ingles PC'ers out there, but @West Oz Cards could have chosen to make a quick buck, and didn't, and that is what is GREAT about this hobby.

That's why I wanted to start this thread;

1. To acknowledge the awesomeness of the generous members on here, and
2. To show how you (in your own time) eventually tried to 'pay it forward' to another member on here.

Firstly let me state, this is NOT about trying to one up each other, or do you need to think that your gesture is any less, than what was gifted to you. It's just a feel good thread to show what this forum is all about... The Hobby!

Too many scoundrels out there trying to rip off PC collectors, or running eBay 'didnt recieve my item' scams. Lets remind ourselves that this website has no place for those things and those people.

I know most people on here are thinking that they'd rather be silent in there generous gestures, but I think it's important to create some positivity on here, to sit in amongst all the horrible stories we see from time to time. @edac6942 I'm looking at you;) I feel for ya bruz.

I'll start;
Minh sent me a Dominique Wilkins Exquisite Auto card, in part as a thank you for the sigs I had made for a few our members.
Was one I already had, so I in turn sent the card onto another member who was collecting Wilkins cards.
Great idea just to show some of the great things and people on here! If you ever want to realize just how good the site is check out the Member Thankyou sticky
with over 1200 replies too generosity shown by this sites great members:D
BRONBRON and Skip20 and AWOJ21 have all sent me some free stuff for the PC and I have returned the favour to a couple of guys when possible aswell!
Sent a bunch of Jason Kidds's, Jeremy Lin's and a shaq to JKidd05 that he needed. Wasn't too bothered by it - they were just sitting here gathering dust and he needed them.

Had someone (can't remember who now) send me a Patrick Ewing 2012-13 Absolute spectrum Gold (BV- US$25) as a freebie!!!!!! that had me gob-smacked!!!!
Just recieved a package from @bigdee thought the package was a little large for a James Harden auto opened it and to my surprise all of this?

Jerseys, inserts, #'d inserts and autos????
I'd just like to give big raps to you and your generosity.
Greatly appreciated and most definitely has made my day!
Wow what a great thread and some fantastic stories! I happen to come across two awesome members, the first for the life of me I can't remember who it was I wish I could remember! But I bought a non PC card (for a set) from him and when I received it and opened it and turned the card around I found the below card which I PC and numbered to 25!! I was so confused why he sent me such a low numbered card which he could have offered me to buy. Whoever it was sorry I forgot but thank you! :thumbsup:


Now the next member Mr Kael aka @Grindnation (from NZ) sent me one of my main PC players. Again he didn't have to but he did, just goes to show how awesome OZCT community is. I just wish I could return the favor but I don't have any Steven Adams cards at all! Anyway all good deeds are one day rewarded ;) Thanks Kael!

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Giving this thread a bump. To be perfectly honest the goodwill of guys on here is unparalleled which is fantastic for the close knit bunch of collectors we are. The goodwill I've received of late has definitely been paid forward. I know not everyone can afford to be dropping 1/1s but even keeping prices realistic by not holding PC guys to ransom, contributing to the activity on the forum or even chucking in some parallels or base isn't going to cost you a lot in time or effort but it can make someone's day a good one. What goes around comes around so you might as well make it something positive... Keep up the good work fellas!

...and don't forget the member thank you sticky thread! Speaks volumes!
Would like to pay it forward a opened box and packets of official ca and bbl trading cards, it had 26 packs, not sure what inserts are in them, I don't collect cricket cards so can send them to a home for someone who will cherish them, let me know if your intrested anyone. Cheers
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