Do you think it will be changed by then Mike??
Well, lets be honest, you never will know.
But in all seriousness, you aren't exactly the biggest high roller and $0.05 or $0.10 isn't going to make much difference to you in the end. So, I would recommend you wait and see what pans out tomorrow. There is no rush at all.
You losing $10 or $20 still hurts in some way.
I obviously bet a lot different to you guys, I don't multi and pick and go particular games. 1 bet only. With that mentality, I like to really look into things before I go and put my bet on. See match ups, who's in, who's out, stats, inside info etc etc.
But if my gut instinct is right, that price will come in in due time.
But like I said, there isn't any rush. AI is banged up pretty bad, so lets wait it out. I haven't thought out all the plays etc etc My gut instinct could be off, they might match up well, I don't know yet till I review some stuff. Good things will always come to those who are patient and think it through. We'll be right if we get on tomorrow.
Good luck with your bets tonight