@sgt_pepper has shown interest and @ILikeMyPotatoesMashed may have two extras.
I have at least one extra offline who i'm sure will join.
Thats approx 9 with two weeks left to recruit.
It appears as though we are going to have at least 9 maybe 10 entrants.
What is your opinion on how the prize pool should be split up?
To start the conversation off I am happy for 3rd to get their money back, second to receive $50, winner to take $150 (based on approx pool of 9 runners!)
thoughts? Happy to discuss.
yeah im happy with that. still a week and a half to go though, get amongst it folks. its the world game after all. and the BPL is the best league in th world.
We have 14 confirmed at the moment - so $350.00 so far, if your friend is keen we will sneak up to $375
There could be 1 or 2 more that I know who are keen. Looking healthy!