Hey mate I have the Shane warne hat trick signed card if your interested
Good question DarrenJust to clarify mate, do you have a signed hat trick card or the official hat trick signature card with gold stamp numbered between 1-100?
1-150 were signed with a gold stamp
I am trying to track down a 1995 Futera Shane Warne Signature Hatrick card.... Top dollar paid for this item so please send me a PM if anyone can help out , cheers
Hi. I have a signed limited edition shane warne hatrick card in mint condition. number 0138
Can provide photos and have held onto this since i was a kid.
kind regards,
I would be interested if nobody else is, thanks Mark.Hi. I have a signed limited edition shane warne hatrick card in mint condition. number 0138
Can provide photos and have held onto this since i was a kid.
kind regards,