Kevin Johnson is gone mate a few picks ago5.12 Heat pick Kevin Johnson PG
Pm sent to next
Taken in the 2nd round5:14 Cleavland Cavaliers select, Reggie Miller, G
Hope he's not already taken.
Okay I'll try again,
Cleavland Cavaliers select,
5.14, Jack Sikma, SF.
I'm pick 17Sikma definitely isn't a SF man.
Also send your pm to the Spurs @drobfan8 team as the next two are in autoskip.
I'm not sure we s
I'm pick 17
Still a couple before me
Nope - 15 & 16 are skipped due to extended inactivity. You are up.
Great pick. I would have chosen him next5.21 Orlando select SF Robert Horry
Next PMd