2015 traders (Checklist pg3)

There was chat about the price rise on another forum recently. It was stated by someone in the know that "Once you see what is in Elite this year, you will completely understand why the price has gone up."

If someone physically has a full set of retirements in front of them, any chance you could list out the correct numbers/players. The checklist is obviously out to lunch and ESP have not bothered to correct it on their website (let alone in the folders!).

Thanks & Regards

If someone physically has a full set of retirements in front of them, any chance you could list out the correct numbers/players. The checklist is obviously out to lunch and ESP have not bothered to correct it on their website (let alone in the folders!).

Thanks & Regards
Move Merritt back to 9/16 and move everyone else down.

If someone physically has a full set of retirements in front of them, any chance you could list out the correct numbers/players. The checklist is obviously out to lunch and ESP have not bothered to correct it on their website (let alone in the folders!).

Thanks & Regards
Correct order is listed on page 1
What are peoples thoughts on this release?

Personally. Im not much of a fan. I like the pieces of the puzzle. Club heroes. Galactic heroes. Thats about it. I got starter packs and so many of them were corner damaged. Seemed like such a waste of money.

Not a fan of the duos. I hate portrait cards. And am not a fan of two people on one card. Another thing was the teams that were picked. Cowboys and Manly don't really have a huge collecting base.

Some good ideas. But. I still think elite was a much better release.
Mirren, just read your post, thought I would put my 2 cents in, mind you it is only my opinion.
I have brought 10 loose packets so far all from 1 box all out of 1 side and all in a row.
I was truly amazed, this was absolute garbage, 6 packets exactly the same, 3 special parallels exactly the same, 2 of the same jason croker fotg.
2 canterbury pieces of the puzzle.
I have looked at the ratios and costs, mind you this was from 1 box, it would take at least 30 boxes to get a master set, I am so over this same figgggg parallels, there is buggger alll difference in the sets, then you have the same pictures again for the galactic version and 3d version, I am sorry esp you have lost a collector, this far out ways your predecessr, to many cards and costs to much, I am no longer buying your packets or boxes, you can stick it where the sun DOES NOT SHINE.
That's my opinion.
What's the other forum?
Mirren, just read your post, thought I would put my 2 cents in, mind you it is only my opinion.
I have brought 10 loose packets so far all from 1 box all out of 1 side and all in a row.
I was truly amazed, this was absolute garbage, 6 packets exactly the same, 3 special parallels exactly the same, 2 of the same jason croker fotg.
2 canterbury pieces of the puzzle.
I have looked at the ratios and costs, mind you this was from 1 box, it would take at least 30 boxes to get a master set, I am so over this same figgggg parallels, there is buggger alll difference in the sets, then you have the same pictures again for the galactic version and 3d version, I am sorry esp you have lost a collector, this far out ways your predecessr, to many cards and costs to much, I am no longer buying your packets or boxes, you can stick it where the sun DOES NOT SHINE.
That's my opinion.

What are you trying to say Dave???? I'm getting mixed signals......

What are you trying to say Dave???? I'm getting mixed signals......
Mark, I will only collect cards from other members, and my number 36 cards.
I am sick of buying shit, esp think we all have unlimited funds to burn, I am not buying 30 boxes or more to get a master set, I think there would be a lot of collectors that are thinking the same thing, I know of at least 5 collectors that have finished with collecting cards , mainly because of the costs. How many people out there only go for there team sets now.
Mark, I will only collect cards from other members, and my number 36 cards.
I am sick of buying s***, esp think we all have unlimited funds to burn, I am not buying 30 boxes or more to get a master set, I think there would be a lot of collectors that are thinking the same thing, I know of at least 5 collectors that have finished with collecting cards , mainly because of the costs. How many people out there only go for there team sets now.
That would be me for one.....
Mirren, just read your post, thought I would put my 2 cents in, mind you it is only my opinion.
I have brought 10 loose packets so far all from 1 box all out of 1 side and all in a row.
I was truly amazed, this was absolute garbage, 6 packets exactly the same, 3 special parallels exactly the same, 2 of the same jason croker fotg.
2 canterbury pieces of the puzzle.
I have looked at the ratios and costs, mind you this was from 1 box, it would take at least 30 boxes to get a master set, I am so over this same figgggg parallels, there is buggger alll difference in the sets, then you have the same pictures again for the galactic version and 3d version, I am sorry esp you have lost a collector, this far out ways your predecessr, to many cards and costs to much, I am no longer buying your packets or boxes, you can stick it where the sun DOES NOT SHINE.
That's my opinion.
2 Peices of the puzzle in 10 packets! You smashed the odds!
Give me a few seconds to climb on to the soap box.................................

OK, here we go.
This is a decent cheap set to kick-off the season. There are, however, some issues.
1) The case hits are not very desirable at all. Two Legend Signatures and Duos cards for just three teams that don't look much different to regular "one-per-box" type inserts.
2) The insert sets have gone from ridiculously scarce ratios to ridiculously prolific ratios. Overkill, Overkill, Overkill (pardon, just channeling Motorhead here).
3) I still believe there are too many cards per pack. Six would be just right, including an insert or parallel. Did someone mention parallel?
4) Parallels. If ESP are to persist with abundant parallels then they could do well to explore the US sports-card industry's use of the numbered parallel. I don't have the answer but the current scenario is boring. Three sets of the same card??
5) I know they are appealing to the kids market with the Galactic Heroes but they are possibly the ugliest and most un-collectable rubbish that I have pulled from a pack, ever. Leave this crap to Power Play with the Beanie Bears or whatever else.......

So having said all that, I actually am enjoying putting this set together on my terms. That means no Galactic Heroes and only my team's Parallels and Club Leader. The Dog's Duo would be a bonus and I'll use the better hits that I don't want to pay for filling the insert sets and then look forward to a few boxes of Elite.

Down I get now.............................

I agree with some of the above comments:

  • I think the parallels are a bit of an overkill and maybe a numbered parallel set replacing the 3rd parallel (Golds, Blacks whatever) set would be better received.
  • No case hits in this release. Extremely hard to nab a signature card or a Duo. (I know that's the whole idea of limited cards)
  • If the box hits, especially the Club Leader cards were numbered, that would be nice.
  • Galactic Heroes - I agree they would be better suited to the Power Play series.
  • The Club Leader cards I think are a great looking card
  • I love what ESP have done by re-introducing the puzzle cards based on the Top 10 for each category forming the No1 on the reverse. For me that is the highlight of the series.
  • Massive thumbs up for having an Alex McKinnon Retirement card
  • I personally like the idea of the 3D album cards, they look great, but maybe look at tweaking the image so it doesn't look so Power Playish if you know what I mean. Maybe a 3D Club Logo?
That's my 2 bob's worth
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